lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009

Groups 802 & 804

Hi everybody, I know that talking about parts of a house and objects in a house might be a bit difficult since there are many different things to remember, so I discovered an interesting activity for you to improve your listening on this vocabulary. First, listen and study the vocabulary on the following link

Then, go to the activity of "dictation medium" and do it. Print your score and bring it on Thursday. See you in class.

Group 902

Hi there! As we have been working with vocabulary related to means of transportation I have chosen a very interesting web site for you to practice that, so the only thing you have to do is the following. Click on the next link:

Look at the flash cards showing the different kinds of transportation, you also will hear its pronunciation and then do the exercises shown as "medium". Print your results and bring them to classes on Thursday.