To begin with, click on the following link where you will find useful information on phrasal verbs, check everything, I mean at the end of the information of each page you will find more information, the following link is about prepositional verbs, then about phrasal-prepositional verbs and finally you will find the link about check your understanding this is a quiz, so answer it and send your score to my mail or put it in your drop box. Then make up a conversation in which you use at least 7 phrasal verbs and also send it to my mail or in dropbox, but also print it and take it to class so that I can collect it and take it to give you feedback, this way is easier for me to give you feedback.
You have to send the tasks by this Friday at 6:00 o'clock. Remember to send them on time.
See you and take care!
See you and take care!