martes, 22 de febrero de 2011

Students of 8th. level

Hi boys and girls! It's a pleasure for me to welcome you with open arms to this new experience. A blog is a useful learning tool, we can share, create and improve our knowledge. I will post some links or upload some videos or design some exercises for you to practice.

To begin with, click on the following link to practice some grammar related to the file 5a

Grammar: Geerunds and infinitives

Once you have finished doing this activity, print your score and give it to me by Friday.

Now, regarding vocabulary, click on the following link and play the game, it's up to you to do the crossword or the wordsearch. Have fun.

Vocabulary: Music

Once again, you have to print it and give it to me by Friday.

Bye, take care

domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011

Group 502

Hello everybody! It's a pleasure for me to to welcome you to this new experience where we both can teach and learn a lot of interesting and useful things. To practice what we have check in class, click on the following link:


this activity is for you to practice action and non-action verbs

Print your score and give it to me by Wednesday


Have fun doing any of the two activities you are given: the crossword or the wordsearch. Once you have finished, print you score and give it to me by Wednesday

See you and have a wonderful week!


Hello everybody! it's a pleasure for me to start working with you all using this wonderful learning tool! I know that for some of you it's going to be a piece of cake, whereas for some others, it will be a bit of a challenge, won't it? Anyway, let me tell you that I know that you have been used to doing things in a certain way and it might be difficult to get accustumed to working differently, but I would like you to give me the opportunity to show you another way to learn, work, teach and why not? even to have fun! So relax.

To begin with, I'd like you to go to the following link and do the next activities:


2. Collocations

3. Phrasal verbs

4. Phrases/ Expressions

5. Linking words

It's up to you to do the on-line version or the print one, but if you do the print version I want you to print just the score, I mean, once you have finished doing each activity save your screen with the key "Impr Pant" or "Print Screen" of your keyboard and save it on paint brush or word. Give it to me this Wednesday in class.

Remember that it's very important to do all the activities because they are part of your final grade.

I hope you all do these useful activities so that we can do a practice test in class or for homework.

See you and have a wonderful week!