viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013

Group 703

Hi dear students. How are you feeling? stressed, sad, tired, excited? Thanks God today is Friday, and I hope you all have plans for tonight, at least to have a good time doing nothing but resting at home. Anyway, the activity you have to do is the following another video. The video is about the speaking activity we saw in class on page 21. You have to say if you agree or disagree with the sentences you have there. What you have to do is the following:

  • work in pairs but if you can't find a partner, work in trios.
  • Choose one sentence for each of you, one of you read the sentence and the other has to say if he/she agrees or disagrees, saying why, and giving a good example, or mentioning a life experience.
  • Example A: The Italians dress better than any other nationality, what do you think? B: Well, I don't agree at all, because there are many men all around the world who are smartly dressed although they are not Italians. On the other hand, I think the Italian men who are well dressed are those who can afford it because they are wealthy or famous people. For example, my father has always been smartly dressed because of his position at his job and he is Mexican.
  • As you can see from the above example, I used linking words, different tenses and the vocabulary range we have checked so far.
  • Then the other student does the same but with a different sentence.
  • Put your video in your dropbox by this Wednesday.
  • Make your video with any electrocnic appliance that you have at hand.
See you and take care!


Group 303

Hi dear students,  what are you up to?, I hope you are ok and doing good things. Anyway, let's start working. What I want you to do is the following: look at the following words, record  your voice  giving the definitions of each of them but without saying the word. Example: my word is "extrovert" so I´m going to describe it in the following way. "It's the opposite of shy" or  "It's a word that describes a person who makes friends easily." Do you understand? I hope so. Make your recording using your cell phone, camera or any other electronic appliance.
Ready? here are your words:
1. cinema
2. ice cream
3. bedroom
4. painter
5. dictionary
6. kick
7. housewife
8. sad
When you finish, send your recording to my mail.  This has to be done by this Tuesday. My mail is
See you and take care. Enjoy your weekend.