sábado, 19 de mayo de 2012


Hi my dear students here you have the assignment for this week. By the way, I changed the design of my blog because I was kind of fed up with it, so I hope you like this new one.

Anyway, we all know that the topic of phrasal verbs is not easy, so in order to help you here you have three websites with interesting explanations on this topic, read themt, and revise them carefully.

Then do the activities I asked you for in class, I don't remember exactly which ativities I said in class, but just in case do the following exercises, if any of them is repeated, leave it out.  First, exercises 1, 2 and 3 of page 37  and exercise of page 181 of the student's book. Then go to page 185 of the same book and study the grammar of transitive and intransitive verbs (number 17) and do the exercise which appears inmediately after it.

Remember, send me all your activities to my mail, scan them or write your answers in word or in the body of your mail, but make sure you identify them clearly in order not to make mistakes. Send them by this Tuesday at 5:00 o'clock.

See you and take care!

CELe 7th level students

Weather conditions

How are you doing? a bit upset because we have no classes? I'm sure about it! Anyway, I have changed the design of my blog because I was kind of bored with it, I hope you like it!

I know that the last grammar points were s bit difficult, so here you have a link to practice them as we are not meeting this Monday, click on the following link, do the activity and bring it to class this Tuesday. Remember to print your score.

Future continuous and perfect

Also to have extra practice on the future system, I found another interesting activity for you to revise. Click on the following link and do it, once again, remember to take it to class this Tuesday.

Future forms

Finally, to keep on practicing the vocabuary we have recently checked, here you have an activity on vocabulary about weather, I hope you find it helpful, as sometimes we don't have the opportunity to practice the vocabulary we have just learned, with anybody.

Weather vocabulary

That's all for now, I expect to see you all this Tuesday in class with everything I have asked you for.

See you and take care!