sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2011

Dear 9th level students

Hello my dear students. I hope you are enjoying your weekend. As I told you last Friday in class, I found a very interesting page on pronunciation. What I want you to do is:  visit the page and then record your voice repeating the same 6 sentences you will find there , the first time do it with proper enunciation and the second time with linked enunciation. I hope that by doing this you can improve your pronunciation. Bring you recording to class by this Tuesday or send it to my mail before classes on Tuesday so we can check it in class.

See you and take care!

Pronunciation: linking

lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011


Hi my dear students. How are you doing? Are you ready to start your next vacations? I hope you are. The first thing you have to do is this: match the following phrasal verbs to their meanings, if you don´t know the meaning, look them up in your dictionaries, when you finish, make a meaningful sentence with each phrasal verb, then, send these two tasks to my mail by this Wednesday before 2: pm.

Phrasal verbs

1.  back up        ______     illegally access.
2. plug into        ______     enter
3. set up            ______     insert
4. log in             ______    put the arrow here and press
5. hack into       ______    make a copy of
6. click on         ______     create

The second thing I need you to do, is to revise the link I gave you previously about verbs + ing and verbs + to which I published on  October 24th  and do the exercise 1 on page 68, Grammar: verbs followed by the gerund or the infinitive and the exercise 1 on page 70 about Key  word: to  in your student book. Remember that you have to scan these two activities and send them to my mail by this Wednesday before 2:00 o' clock too.

Finally, you also have to send me  the writing activity that you did in class. I know that some of you have already sent it to me, but for the rest, please send me all your activities together in the same mail By this Wednesday before 2:00 o'clock 

Thank you so much and take care.