miércoles, 3 de marzo de 2010

Groups 902,903 and 905

Hi it's a pleasure to see you all after such a while. Today we start working on the internet with this blog.

The first activity for you is the following: After having checked the grammar reference about future and the activities in the workbook, click on the following links and do the activities. This site has a feedback section, so you just have to print the last page where your score is shown.



I hope this site is hopeful for you all. The deadline to hand in these activities is this Monday, so you will have plenty of time to do it. It's important for you to drop a line or a comment you want to share with us, because as you have noticed, the name of this blog is precisely "sharing and creating knowledge", so everybody can contribute with anything you want.

See you later, take care.

11 comentarios:

  1. Hi teacher!. This is Iván.
    Thank you for the activity. we need to practise a lot!

  2. Hi teacher, good afternoon, I am Ana Karen. This activity is very good for practise the future forms, I hope that You can giving us more exercises like this. Thank you.

  3. Hi teacher thank you for this activities because is a good help for us not forget the future form

    att: Nancy
    God Bless you teacher

  4. Hi Arelis!
    With these activities I was able to achieve a goal, practising the future forms because they are a difficult topic and these quizzes develop our abilities. Thank You!
    Att: Nohemí

  5. Good afternoon teacher,

    Thank very much for the exercises. I could understand more the different uses of future.I would like to practice with this kind of exercises the other subjects, because it is a way to improve our English skills.

  6. Hi teacher!!
    In my opinion these exercises are very good for practice all the things that we learn in the classroom. Thankyou.
    See you:)

  7. Hi everybody! It was nice to see how you rush to say something. Remember that if you want me to give you more practice on anything else, just let me know, and I'll do my best to help you. Bye, take care and have a nice weekend.

  8. Hi teacher!
    Thnx a lot! It was very interesting to do ds type of exercices ´Cos I found different, dynamic and funny way to practise future forms on internet. I think future is a little bit complicated but...
    I understand the uses of future better! n_n
    Have a nice wknd!

  9. Good night,

    These exercises were good for me because I can practice the class at home. Thank you

  10. HI TEACHER!!!
    Thank you for these activities. Really they are useful for improve own knowledge about future forms. I hope we will do more activities like these.
    See you!!

  11. Hi Miss,
    I´m really disappointed! because of poor material that self-access have, so I decided to leave some pages which I consider useful to practice regular verbs in past and plurals:::
