domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

Group 902

Hello everybody. As some of you didn't show up last Friday maybe because you didn't know If I was coming or not, I decided to look for some activities on Future for you, since we have already checked this topic in class, and you need to have further practice in case you still have some doubts about it. After checking the grammar reference in your book, click on the following link, and do the exercises . These sites have a feedback section, so you just need to print the last page where your score is shown and hand it in to me by Wednesday.

It's important for you to drop a line or comment about how you like the activities or about something you would like to share with us, because as you have noticed the name of this blog is "sharing and creating knowledge" so, anybody can contribute with anything you want. See you later, bye.

4 comentarios:

  1. It was a really useful activity, because i realised that i need to practice more the future.

  2. Hi! i thinks that this is a great way to continue practicing the future

  3. Hey teacher!! :D I´d like to say that this activity was good to practice our grammar... but I also need to say that I´m not pretty sure about some answers and I would like to check them in class... see u tomorrow!
    I hope your daughter gets better byebye

  4. Hi teacher!!! :)
    The practice after clase improve my english and the first web page was easy to answer, contrary with the second, but i´ll continue doing this kind of exercise.
    Thanks teacher, see you !!!
    Good night.
