viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

Group 703

Hi beautiful girls. I hope you enjoy your weekend. Anyway, I told you that I have found very interesting activities for you to improve your listening and speaking. Please, read the information which appears at the beginning, then just listen and repeat as many times as you wish the activities below the titles "English is a stress-timed language" and "Speaking" you don´t have to give anything, just to practice.

This is the link:

See you and take care. Please drop a comment telling me how you like these activities. Bye

3 comentarios:

  1. hi teacher, the activity was very interesting and helpful because like you have listened I have serious problems with the rythim, thank you very much :)

  2. hi teacher, as Alma said is very interesting because now I know how to talk and is very inportant to remind tha 3 elements and you will notice how improve

  3. All activities are good and interesting. I always had the idea that I should understand every word in a listening and that is my big problem. My weaknesses in english have always been the quiz of listening and speaking for this reason I appreciate the tips. Thanks!!!
