martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

Group 902

Hi beautiful girls! I hope the weather is much better tomorrow, because it's been really freezing all these days. Anyway, I found a very useful website that has information on reported speech, study this information in the following links:

In the second link you will find more information and two activities. Print and do the activities so you can give them to me by Friday. Good luck and take care!

3 comentarios:

  1. Hey teacher!!
    I have to say that this links were very usefull
    to complete the previous information that you had already gave us ;) thanks see u on Tuesday
    have a great long weekend and try not to be a chacha in this days ok? i hope u find some time for yourself jajaj see u bye!

  2. Hi!
    I could see that these links are very good to understand better the topic. Thanks a lot!!

  3. Sorry for writing so late... i found those exercises pretty useful to improve our knowledge and the understanding of the theme.
