jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011


Hi there! How have you been all these days we haven't been in touch? I hope just fine. Sorry for not uploading activites before, but I had some problems with internet. Anyway, as we have been working with word formation I think it's important for you to remember the most common prefixes and suffixes and then practice with some activities. So, to begin with, click on the following link where you can find useful information about this topic.



If you want, you can print these pages to have the information with you. When you have finished go to the following link to do some excersices, remember to hand them out next Wednesday in class.


The link is this:


Do the worksheet 1 and the worksheet 2. Remember do not check the answers until you have finished, these worksheets have an answer sheet for you to check, so we don´t need to check the answers in class, unless you have a special question or doubt. This activity is to consolidate what we have seen in class.


Then, the second activity is on phrasal verbs about work, because the following unit of the book is about this topic. So click on the following link, you'll find some phrasal verbs with their definitions and examples, once you have learned them, go to the end of the page and only do exercises 1 and 2, you don't have to do the excersice 3. When you finished, print your score and give it to me in class. Remember, this is a pre-activity to help you familiarize with the new vocabulary and it's important for you to do it. See you and have a nice weekend.

The link is:


Good luck!

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