lunes, 6 de junio de 2011


Hi there, how have you been? I hope just fine. As I have noticed you have some troubles with phonetics, so here I chose some useful links for you to practice and try to learn as much as you can.

The first link is for you to practice some important vowel sounds by watching some videos, and then, do some exercises. The videos you have to watch are the ones to learn to do the following sounds:      

Vowel sounds

Then you have to do the exercises of unit 1 and unit 2. Below you'll find the exercises to do the activities of unit 1

Exercises unit 1

And here you have the link for unit 2

Exedrcises unit 2

Once you have finished, print your score and hand it in this Wednesday in class, remember that if you can´t make it on time, you can send it to my mail before 12:00 pm on Wednesday.

Take care!

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