lunes, 3 de octubre de 2011


Hi there, I hope you have had a wonderful weekend. As you know, in the following class we will be working with two important skills: reading and writing. Let me tell you that I found a very interesting website where you can learn and practice some idioms which are common in informal written and spoken English, but tend to be avoided in academic writing. You'll find this activity very useful since as non-native speakers, writing is not really our thing. The activity you will have to do is like an introduction to the activities we will be doing later in class.

Idioms and academic writing

Then you'll be doing an exercise on different types of reports, if you don't know the answers, that means that you will have to do some research, but don't worry, as I will take into consideration the fact that you have tried to do it, not that you have done it correctly.

Types of reports

As you know, you have to send me your score of both activities by Wednesday until 2:00 pm.

See you and take care

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