viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2011

9th level students

Dear students, how are you? I hope just fine. I know that I had told you to check a very useful page on writing. I mean, ways to improve your writing, but I hadn't given you the link, so now here you have it. What I want you to do is the following: go to the link and qhen you finish doing so, write a comment here on the blog saying waht is the typical mistake or mistakes that you more commonly do. Your comment must be here by this Monday before 4:00 o´clock pm.

Top ten tips writing

Then check the following lonk so that you can check the difference between some words seen in class. When you finish, write 3 meaninful sentences using these words and hand them in by Tuesday in class.

Trip, journey and travel

See you and take care!

2 comentarios:

  1. The most frequent mistake I do is not answering the question completely, I put this down for not to make a plan to answer before write. Sometimes I also write words or phrases that are mentioned in the question,

  2. sorry, i could not answer the blog before...

    the most frecuent mistake i do is to don have a plan, so i can not answer the questions, i sometimes take more time to do the writing, other common mistake is to do not reprhase the question, but the worst is to forget important vocavulary and I spend to mcuh time discribing a word or try to remember it
