Hi my dear students, I hope you are just fine and more than ready to start your vacations. As you know, we are about to finish this second part of the course. And to be better prepared for our final exam I just want you to do this last homework. First, remember you have to do the writing task on page 73 that we said in class, as well as the review and use of English on page 74. Send them both by this Wednesday before 2:00 pm. Remember, you have to scan the review and use of English.
Secondly, check the vocabulary about crime and social responsability on page 75, look at the crimes in the photos and say which punishment from the ones which appear right there, you think was given for each of them, write your opinion here on the blog before Wednesday 2:00 pm.
Finally, do the reading exercise on page 76 and 77 multiple matching exercise 3, scan it and send it to my mail on the same date.
Keep on working don't give up and thank you for your effort
Take care and see you in class.

Nowadays, crime has become a serious problem in our society. As a result, insecurity is increasing considerably. Is difficult to decide what kind of crime could be the most serious.
ResponderEliminarIf I have to do a choice about the options I have, think in a mugging makes me feel nervous, because the mugger not only divest you , if you show resestence they could murder their victim!
Abouth the punishmente respect to this crime, I don´t agree with the option the book gives. Prison sentence must be higher, double at least, in this way mugger will think before acting.
Street robbery is one form of a larger set of problems related to street crime and issues of violent crime among strangers.
ResponderEliminarI think that Punishment for Robbery can be imprisonment for 1-20 years with one exception. If the robbery is committed on someone 65 years old or older, the punishment is 5-20 years.
On the other hand for mugging could be, If little old ladies start carrying pistols in their purses, so that one mugging in ten puts the mugger in the hospital or the morgue, the number of muggers will decrease drastically-not because they have all been shot but because most will have switched to safer ways of making a living. If mugging becomes sufficiently unprofitable, nobody will do it.
For shoplifting should be the maximum of 1 year in jail and $1000.00 fine. Because I think is not as serious as the rest.
Referring to dropping litters a good punishment could be to clean the streets and sweep them.
Talking about computer hacking, the punishment could be one year to a fine and imprisonment for no more than twenty years.
Finally for speeding the punishment should be of 1-3 years depending of the frequency of the act.
Well, I think that all the crimes are bad and all of them without any exception should be strongly penalized.
ResponderEliminarFor example for robbery,( I don't know the punishment for this crime and many others) If I had to choose a punishment I'd say that robberies should spend until 15 years in jail.
For mugging, I’d be harder, because these people not only take your things, sometimes or the most of the times, they hurt people and threat them, so I´d give 30 years in jail, and 90 if they kill a person.
Talking about shoplifting, I´d give no more than 5 years, but of course it depends on what they steal.
Refering to dropping litter, I’d make these people sweep from the break of down until midnight with a special uniform.
About the computer hacking, I think that it depends on the information or the hackers get or the use that they give to it, I´d give the time in jail. At least 9 years.
And finally: speeding. the license of these drivers should be taken from them for at least 1 year, because drive in this way is so dangerous, not only for the driver, it´s dangerous for the whole society.
Well, this is an interesting topic.
ResponderEliminarIn spite of I have answered the exercise and almost I got the right answer according to the book, no one of them was the most appropriated.
In my opinion mugging one dollar is the same than 1,000,000. Murdering one person is the same than to kill one million. In this contest I mean, that society must be responsible with government in the rehabilitation of this kind of people, and consequently the must be involved in their new adaptation into society.
In my opinion, the worst crime is the bank robbery because oftenly it includes violence, and most of times someone is hurted or killed. That´s why I think it deserves ten years of prision. In second place, I think computer hacking is a very serious crime, because it causes financial damage in both senses: if the hackers go into confidential bank records of users, but also if they hack government files. I think they should be punished with a probation for one year. The third place belongs to speeding; in this case, the driver could hurt only to himself, but also is possible to hurt another people; so, it deserves to attend a talk by the police on how to drive safely. Another crime is mugging, it could make some damage or not to the victim; it depends on how violent the action is. In my opinion, the punishment for this is an 18-month prison sentence. Shoplifting is also a crime, but less dangerous; that’s why the guilt deserves to pay a fine of 100. Finally, dropping litter is a minor crime and the infractor smust do community service for 40 hours. Cleaning streets will be a good idea.
ResponderEliminarThe first thing I can say is that all the people have a reponsability in their acts, then when someone commits a crimen the cons is the punishment in the size of it.
ResponderEliminarSecondly and answering the task I ´m showing the punishments given for each crime:
Shoplifting- Do community service for 40 hrs.
Computer hacking- Probation for a year.
Bank robbery- 10 years in prison.
Mugging- An 18-month prison sentence.
Dropping litter- Pay a fine of 100.
Speeding- Attend a talk by the police and how drive safely.
Finaly, I dont really know if each punishment is fair, but the important thing would be that each person woulh have a real lesson and change their way of living.
Well I think that Depending on the type of fault is comosa must punish, performing community service, pay the fine or jail. Can greatly help many crimes are committed. But the point is that each of the crimes should be punished equally because all are crimes and should be punished eventually. Besides making among young people a sense of responsibility and respect.
ResponderEliminarIknowit is late for me,but I did not lose mychance for giving you my comment,it is hard to say wich of them is more serious, and it is the same for the punishment.Ingeneral,for me it is inadmissible croos the line between right and wrong, I think that we can have some mistakes,but when you are doing them intentionally it is another thing.