domingo, 29 de abril de 2012


Hi there! What have you been up to? Relaxing? Enjoying this amazing long weekend? I hope so. Anyway we have to get down to work. As we saw in class we have to revise the use of some modal verbs.

The first thing you have to do is to click on the link below and check the information you will find there and after that do the exercise on modal verbs that there is there. Send your score to my mail

And the second thing to do is the reading activity we have in the workbook pages 22 and 23. And also the grammar exercise on page 25 the one that is about "Obligation and necessity"  That's all

Remember that you can scan your answers or answer the activities in word or in the body of the mail and send all your activities to my mail  by this Tuesday at 6 o'clock pm

By the way my mail is

Welcome you all again. It's a pleasure for me to work with you again.

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