viernes, 25 de mayo de 2012

DIDEPA FCE students

A dog's life
How are you doing? much better now that we have revised the grammar point on phrasal verbs? I know that is not exactly what can be considered as "piece of cake", but I think that now this topic is much better understood. Well, we have to go on, this time with a reading activity. Do the reading exercise on page 38 of your student's book, exercises 1 and 2. You also have to answer the question on exercise 3, about if it's right to "humanise" pets, but you must write your answer here on the blog, remember that to do so, you need to have a gmail account and go to the "comment" area of the blog and leave your answer there.

Please publish your answer on time and do not sent it to my mail. The only things you have to send to my mail are the following:
  • exercise 5 on page 37 of your student's book, the reading activity, page 38  and the corrected version of he writing about phrasal verbs you did in class. Make sure you take your writing to class for me to collect it. Send them all by this Tuesday at 5:00 o'clock.
Remember to send all your activities on time.  See you and take care!

10 comentarios:

  1. I disagree to humanize pets. I believe when somebody have a pet, she or he has a compromise to him. Because it is part of their life and family, they need to be attentive in her health, nutrition, and physical condition. It is a kind of responsibility, but it is optional.

    When people try to consider a pet the same way as a person. I think is not normal, because any pet has a natural behavior. It is irrational and instinctive, so it is impossible to change it

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. I can't say if it is right or wrong humanise pets. I can talk for me because I have a dog, and I think I do that a little bit, I mean, I humanise Myaa because I do a lot of things with her as if she was a human, for example I take showers with Myaa, she always sleep with me on my bed on the next pillow, we walk around the neighborhood at least three times at day, Myaa loves eating apples, pears, lettuces and of course I buy many of them for her, that’s why I think I humanise just a little bit my beautiful pet.

  4. I think it is always difficult to define what is wrong or right. Maybe it is important to follow a simple rule, if your behaviour doesn't affect others, it doesnt have to bother them. Or something like that. I mean, if someone has the economical and emotional possiblity to treat their pet as a human being and also it makes them feel happy, it is right for me. I don't care that.

  5. I think that people who take care of pets like humans should´ve faced up the importance of the animal`s nature in order to place them in their real role interacting with persons to let them develop their own instincts. Taking good care of pets is enough to share a good and healthy company.

  6. In my opinion pople mustn´t huminise pets. It´s not right, even thought, if they have a good economy. Is an error to consider that a pet could be a replace of a human, or worse than this, to treat them like humans. I like pets, but I don´t give them more importance that they have.

  7. I think that we dont have the rights to do that beacuse if you have a pet is to take care of it and to have someone to be with you eventhought some people do it some of them treat their pets as a toy, and for me thats not fair because an animal needs special treatments and food. You dont need to dress it like a clown maybe it would look nice but you dont know if the animal is comfortable, I just recommended you that if you have a pet take care of it and be nice to them.

  8. Well, it's difficult to express if it's right or wrong to humanise a pet,specially "dogs" but in my opinion I think we can't do that because later the pets have lots of problem, their behaviour is not the correct, or the dogs bark to everyone who knocks the door or they bite when your family or friends come to visit you, even more they possess your spaces like the bed. So I think that all the pets just need exercise, discipline and affection.

  9. In my opinion it is not at all wrong trying to humanize the animals, if this disposition does not produce some kind of pain or damage on the animal's body. If it is the case I strongly disagree with himanizing them. The animal, more the mammals, are not objects are living entities, which have sensitivity and basic feelings.
