jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

Group 405

Word stress

Hi there, we have been working hard recently, haven't we? Well, anyway, as I know that some of you told me that the aspect or learning English that you find most difficult is listening, here you will find a link to a very interesting site on "Word stress". Check all the information you will find there and after that, record your voice with 3 examples of each topic, I mean. Choose 3 words which appear in the first topic "compound nouns", then 3 words of the topic "noun+ noun compunds" and so on. In the end you will have 12 words in total.

Sentence stress

Then, the second activity you will have to do is about "Sentence stress" and after you have read all the information and listen to all the examples that you find there, record the last sentence which appears right there, if you don't know which is the last sentence, here you have it:

"I am a proFESsional phoTOgrapher whose MAIN INterest is to TAKE SPEcial, BLACK and WHITE PHOtographs that exHIBit ABstract MEANings in their photoGRAPHic STRUCture."

It's important to follow the rules that are clearly explained in that website, so that you can sound as native- like as posible.

Send you two recordings to my mail by this Monday, so I have enough time to revise them and give you feedback.  See you and take care.


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