martes, 30 de junio de 2015

Group 802


How are you doing? I hope just fine and ready to go on holidays. As I told you in class, you need to make a video (individual) as a part of your oral evaluation. The video is about "regrets" Talk about things you regret in life, it can be about your family, education, lifestyle, work, etc. Make sure you use the grammar structures and vocabulary range seen in class such as: wish + past perfect, ed/ing adjectives, expressions with go, etc.


Regrets? well I have a few. To be honest, the thing I most regret is my fear of trying new things, I wish I had been a less faint-hearted person and do new things, for example, I wish I had travelled more around the world, I wish I had been brave enough to go for it. I know I can do it now, but I wish I could do it on my own and that is a bit complicated since I have children and I can´t leave them for so long...


1.   You shouldn't read what you are filming.
2.    The video must last as much as 1:30 min.
3.  It must look as natural as possible
4.    You have to decrease the video quality so that you can handle it easily
5.    You can do it with your cell phone, digital camera, video camera or any other electronic gadget.

The grade will be given according to the student's performance on the correct use of grammar structures and vocabulary range according to the level they are in, as well as the appropriate pronunciation and intonation patterns.

Send your video to my mail by this Friday, or in class via bluetooth.

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