jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016

Group 105

Hi dear students welcome to this blog. We will learn new ways to learn using techonology and some apps.Be free to make any mistake and to suggest anything you think can be useful for you. It's a pleasure for me to have you here. Let's start to work.

Hola queridos alumnos, bienvenidos  este blog. Aprenderemos nuevas formas de aprender usando tecnología y algunas apps. Siéntanse en libertad de cometer errores y sugerir cualquier cosa que pueda ser útil para ustedes. Es un placer para mi tenerlos aqui. Empecemos a trabajar.

The first activity you have to do is a video about "Checking in" the video is in pairs.

Go to page 11 of your student's book. Check the dialogue you have on this page. It's the same we practised in class.
Change the time, the number of the room, the name, the sex, and the word you want to spell. Check the iTutor to watch the video again if you want to.


1.   You shouldn't read what you are filming.
2.    The video must last between 1min and  1:30 min.
3.  It must look as natural as possible
4.    You have to decrease the video quality so that you can handle it easily.
5.    You can do it with your cell phone, digital camera, video camera or any other electronic gadget.
You can upload it on Edmode or send it to my email. Remember you can use the App "Wetransfer" to send your video. The work is by this Monday.

 See you and take care!

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