lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

Group 704

How are you doing dear students? How was your weekend? busy?, tiring? or exciting? Anyway, let's start working. As you told me a long time ago, listening is one of your major concerns, so here you have another activity about sentence stress and rhythm that has a lot to do with the topics we will be checking in class. Go to the following link, read and listen to the information and do the exercise you will find almost at the end, it has 3 sentences you have to read these sentences and record  them using your voice with your cell phone or whatever you want, but you also have to include the following 3 sentences you have below:
1. They're studying harder to get better grades.
2. Do you think you'll be able to repair them soon?
3. What time did Mandy say she was coming?
Send you voice recording to my mail, or in dropbox or take it to class by this Wednesday, this time you can transfer your files with a mini  Multi in one Memory Card Reader that I have, so don't worry, this time it will be easier.

Sentence stress and rhythm

See you and take care!


Group 802

Hi beautiful girls! How are you today? Eager for the long weekend ahead of us? because I am! Anyway, as I told you in class, here you have the link to have further practice on sentence stress and rhythm. "The Rhythm of English: Which words do we stress in a sentence:" Read and listen to the information you will find there and do the exercise which appears almost at the end, it has 3 sentences, make a recording using your voice with these 3 sentences and include the 6 sentences with "wish" that we checked in class.  Send your recording to my mail, or dropbox or take it to class by this Wednesday.
See you and take care! 


Group 503

Hi boys and girls!  How was your weekend? I hope just fine. Let's start to work. As we have been working with sentence stress on this occasion I want you to go to the following link to read and listen to the useful information you will find there on "The rhythm of English: which words do we stress in a sentence?, check everything and record with your voice the exercise that has  3 sentences,  you'll find it almost at the end of the activity. Send your activity to my mail or take it to class this Wednesday for me to check. You can use your cell phone or any other electronic appliance. See you and take care!

Sentence stress practice

lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2012

Group 802

How are you doing girls? Ready for your next exams? I hope so, on this occasion we will be working with differents aspects that we have checked in class.

First, do this activity on "have something done" it's extra practice on this interesting topic.

Have something done

Then the following activity is to check what you know, so do this exercise to check your knowledge.

ing or infinitive?

How do you feel about articles? I'm sure that this activity will be a pice of cake for you.


Finally, let's practice with countable and uncountable nouns.

Countable and uncuntable nouns

Do all the activities, copy your score and print it. Take it to class by this Thursday.

See you and take care!

Group 503

Hi beautiful students how are you? Ready for your next exams? I hope so! Today I want you to have some practice on different aspects. The first one is about "how words work" Go to the following link, do the exercise and print your score.

How long + take

Then the following activity is about present perfect and past simple. Do the activity and once again print your score and take it to class on Thursday

Present Perfect and past simple

It's also important for you to practice something about comparatives, so here you have the activity

Comparatives and superlatives

Finally, have some fun with the following game, it's about strong adjectives.

Strong adjectives

Print all your scores and take them to class by this Thursday.  See you and take care!

martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012

Group 704

Hi there! How are you, I hope just fine. As you have told me, pronunciation and listening are two of your major issues regarding English learning, so I found a very useful website that has "podcasts" a podcast is a recording, is an audio for many different purposes, on this occasion I chose one site that has excellent practice on two important aspects: linking words and the pronuciation of the sound "schwa". Listen to the the three podcasts, the first is about linking pairs of words, and the other two are about the pronuciation of  the  "schwa" sound, schwa words and schwa sentences. Listen to them as many times as you need and then record using your own voice, two or three pairs of words which appear only on the first podcast , it's up to you which pairs of words to record. You can record  your voice with your cell phone or with any other electronic appliance, but you have to take this recording to class this Friday.
See you and take care!

Group 802

Hi my beautiful students, here I have found a very interesting podcast on linking words and the pronunciation of the schwa sound. Listen to the first three podcasts, the first is about linking and the the other two are about the use of schwa. Listen to them as many times as you want and then record with your own voice,the same pairs of words which appear on the first podcast  using your cell phone or any other electronic appliance and take to class next Friday.

Pronunciation practice: linking and schwas

lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012

Group 802

Hi my dear students! Welcome to my blog where I hope you can find interesting material and activities which help you improve those areas that need extra practice.

To begin with: We have been working with gerunds and infinitives, and I know, sometimes it's difficult to remember the correct verb pattern, so below, you will find a photocopiable material for you to practice this interesting topic.

Gerunds and Infinitives

I have also realized that the structures used to, be used to, and get used to, were a bit difficult to you, here you have extra material to have further practice on this topic.

used to, be used to and get used to

And to practice something about reporting verbs, go to the following link, do the activity and print your score.

Reporting verbs

Finally, as we do not only need to work with grammar, here you have an activity about vocabulary, in this case is about music, once again do the activity and print your score. Click on the link below.

Face the music, vocabulary

Do all the activities by this Thursday, take them to class.  See you and take care.

Group 503

Hi there! It's nice for me to welcome you all to this new experience of learning English with the help of technology. On this occasion, You will have to print the following material about grammar to have extra practice on the topics previously seen in class. I now that grammar is something that we usually need to revise more than once.
Here you  have the materials.

File 1 A Present simple and continuous

Past tenses

And to practice about future, go to the following link, do the activity and print your score.
To be able to print your score, you just have to copy the screen with the key of your keyboard that says "Impr Pant" or "Print Screen" paste it on paint or word and print it.
Take the photocopies and the score by this Wednesday in class. See you and take care!

miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012

7th, 8th and 5th levels


Para todos aquellos que puedan accesar a mi blog entre hoy y mañana les aviso que no se tendrán que presentar a clases mañana jueves y posiblemente el viernes porque no pueden mandar un sustituto hasta que no sepan el tiempo total de días que se me otrogan, pero el lunes con toda certeza o me presento yo o el maestro sustituto.

Les agradezco su comprensión y si pueden avísenles a sus compañeros.

Mil gracias

martes, 21 de agosto de 2012

Group 704

Hi dear students welcome to this new experience of learning English with the help of technology. As I know you need to practice your listening, here you have some activities and information that will help you to improve this skill.

The  link below is for you to practice word stress. In this link you will find some rules about how to stress words and syllables. The first listening exercise (a) is for you to identify where the stress is and to say if the pairs of words have the same or different stress. The second listening (B) is for you to practice word stress and meaning.

Do these 2 activities and print your score of the second one. Bring it to class tomorrow Wednesday.

I hope these first two activities are helpful for you.

See you and take care!

lunes, 16 de julio de 2012

CAE Valle de México

Hi my dear students, sorry for writing so late, but here you have the two handouts that you need to download and take to class this Wednesday. You don't have to do anything else, but print them and take them to class. See you and take care!

        How do I use because of?

Which preposition to use?

See you and take care!

sábado, 14 de julio de 2012


Hi what's up? Welcome back! It's a pleasure to see you all again! On this occasion I want to clarify the way we will be working from now on. You are used to sending everything to my mail, but as I told you, I have had some problems with my mail, so all the activities from the exam booster and the student's book are not longer going to be sent to my mail,  until further notice, but I hope you do everything you have to, because I will be providing feedback to everything you do. When I ask you to do something different from the books, you will have to take it to class for me to collect  and write it down. And as I had already told you, you need to arrive on time if you want me to take your homework into account without any penalization, (within the first 15 min.) after this time, I can still receive your homework but it will have a penalization (depending on how late you arrive)

Obviously, if you don't think you will make it on time, you can send your homework to my mail so that I can take it into account without any penalization.But you will have to send it on Tuesday before 5:00 o'clock

For the following class, you have to do the exercises 1 and 2 of your exam booster page 43 and also do the exercise on page 41 about narrative tenses, exercises 1 and 2.

The second thing you have to do is to go to the following link, check the information you'll find there on gradable and non-gradable adjectives, once you have checked the information, go until the bottom of the page and click on "gradable and non-gradable quiz" and do it. Print your score and take it to class.
See you and take care!

lunes, 2 de julio de 2012

DIDEPA sutdents CAE Valle de México

Hi there! What have you been up to? Ready for this week's activities ok.  First, here you have the 2 handouts about speaking that we checked in class. If you want, you can print them, make sure you take them to class.

Examiner's Questions

Giving good performance


Now go to the following link and do the quiz of Future Forms to have extra practice. Send your score to my mail or put it into dropbox.

Future forms quiz

Then, go to the following link about formal expressions to begin a formal letter, the exercise is about ordering some sentences, what you have to send me is all the sentences in order, you can write them in word and put them in dropbox or send it to my mail. As you want.

Formal expressions to begin a letter

Remember that if you want me to accept your invitation in dropbox, you have to change the name of your file.

Everything has to be sent by this Friday at 6:00 o'clock

lunes, 25 de junio de 2012

CAE students Valle de México

Hi my dear students, welcome back! It's a pleasure for me  to work with you again. I hope we both make the most out of this experience.

To begin with, click on the following link where you will find useful information on phrasal verbs, check everything, I mean at the end of the information of each page you will find more information, the following link is about prepositional verbs, then about phrasal-prepositional verbs and finally you will find the link about check your understanding this is a quiz, so answer it and send your score to my mail or put it in your drop box. Then make up a conversation in which you use at least 7 phrasal verbs and also send it to my mail or in dropbox, but also print it and take it to class so that I can collect it and take it to give you feedback, this way is easier for me to give you feedback.

You have to send the tasks by this Friday at 6:00 o'clock. Remember to send them on time.

See you and take care!

sábado, 23 de junio de 2012

DIDEPA students FCE

Hi everybody, we have finally finished the 2nd course, but remember we have to keep on working because the following one, starts as soon as this one finishes, so let's continue.

We started working with verbs of manner which have a lot to do with adverbs of manner. So click on the following link and revise the definition of the 14 verbs you'll find there. The website has sound so you can listen to the word and definitions as many times as you want. The task you have to send to my mail is a conversation in which you use at least 7 verbs of manner. Remember you also have to do the vocabulary exercise 2 of the student's book page 50 and in the workbook do the reading activity on pages 38 and 39.

Send the conversation to my mail by this Tuesday at 6:00 o'clock. But please, also print it because I'm going to take them to revise them at home so I can give you feedback.

See you and take care!

viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

DIDEPA students FCE

Hi there! Aren't you excited because we are about to finish? I am! This time I  want you to go to the following links and study the vocabulary about films and types of films you will find there. The first one  it's a very useful site that will help you improve your knowledge on this topic, the page has sound but I couldn't download the controlers needed to listen to it, I hope you can, but If not, don't worry. The second is a slide on types of films with examples.

Film vocabulary

Types of films

To practice this new vocabulary, do the following exercise about films, click on the link below and have fun!  At the beginning, you have to read a dialogue, and then you'll find the exercise. At the end of the activity you also have a pronunciation activity, if you want you can also listen to the words as many times as you want to practice your listening.

exercise on films

This time you don't have to send me anything to my mail, you just have to do the exercises of the student's book I told you in class, I mean exercise 2 of the vocabulary page 46 and the reading on page 48 and 49. Regarding the exercise on films, you just have to print your score and make sure you take it to class, I will mark it at the beginning of the class.

It's important to tell you that the following 2 classes I'll be arriving 20 minutes later, because I have to go to a course and I can't make it earlier, so please wait for me.

Finally, on this occasion, I want you to leave a comment here on the blog about the course, feel free to express what you consider necessary about the course, what you liked the most, what you found the most difficult, what you didn't like and what you would like to practice more in the following part of the course.  This comment has to be published by this Tuesday at 5 o'clock.

See you and take care!

domingo, 10 de junio de 2012

DIDEPA students FCE

How are you doing? Great?, fine?, so so? etc. Sorry for not posting the information earlier, but here you have what you have to do. As I told you in class, you just have to do the mail which appears on page 43 of the student's book, but don't send it to my mail, just take it to class. Then, do the Review and Use of English of page 44 and  in your exam booster, do the exercises of Use on English  Multiple-Choice Cloze of page 33 and to help you practice the phonetic we talked about in class, also do the Pronunciation activity you have on page 37 exercises 2 and 3.

The only activities you have to send me to my mail are the review and the exercises of the exam booster. Send them by this Tuesday at 5:00 pm.

sábado, 2 de junio de 2012

CELe students 7th level

Hi my dear students, we have been working rally hard, and I feel proud of you all. As you have notice, this level has a lot of vocabulary to remember, so here you have some activities that can help you to do so easily.

The first is an activity for you to revise colloquial English, do it and print your score.

Colloquial English File 3

The second one is an activity about "feelings", once again do it and print your score.

Feelings idioms

Finally, we can't forget grammar, so here you have an exercise about 1st conditional and future time clauses. You know what to do.

File 3C 1st conditional and future time clauses

Do all the activities and take  the scores to class by this Wednesday.

See you and take care!

DIDEPA students FCE

Hi my dear students, we are half way through the course, and I hope you are still willing to keep on working as if it were the first day.

As I told you in class, you have to finish the chart about word formation and the exercises 1 and 2 of page 41 of your student's book. In addition to this, you also have to do the exercise about phrasal verbs with "look"on the same page.

Then in your workbook do the reading activity on page 30 and 31, the grammar activity about phrasal verbs (exercise 1) on page 33 and the exercise of Use of English about word formation on page 36.

Talking about pronunciation,  click on the following link to watch an introductory video about the sounds of English, watch it very carefully and pay attention to what it's said. Then if you have time to revise each of the vowel sounds, go to the other link that I have posted and click on the sound that you want to practice.

Then, to have extra practice on the correct pronunciation of vowels and consonant sounds, go to the following link and check the phonetic symbols carefully and try to imitate the sounds. Go to the vowels and then to the consonant sounds to listen and repeat as many times as you want, and when you think you are ready, do the activity about "pronunciation 50 50"
This activity is to help you improve your pronunciation and listening skills

You have to send me the homework of your books to my mail by this Tuesday at 5:00 pm. Send them on time please. The activities about phonetics are additional.

See you and take care!

viernes, 25 de mayo de 2012

DIDEPA FCE students

A dog's life
How are you doing? much better now that we have revised the grammar point on phrasal verbs? I know that is not exactly what can be considered as "piece of cake", but I think that now this topic is much better understood. Well, we have to go on, this time with a reading activity. Do the reading exercise on page 38 of your student's book, exercises 1 and 2. You also have to answer the question on exercise 3, about if it's right to "humanise" pets, but you must write your answer here on the blog, remember that to do so, you need to have a gmail account and go to the "comment" area of the blog and leave your answer there.

Please publish your answer on time and do not sent it to my mail. The only things you have to send to my mail are the following:
  • exercise 5 on page 37 of your student's book, the reading activity, page 38  and the corrected version of he writing about phrasal verbs you did in class. Make sure you take your writing to class for me to collect it. Send them all by this Tuesday at 5:00 o'clock.
Remember to send all your activities on time.  See you and take care!

sábado, 19 de mayo de 2012


Hi my dear students here you have the assignment for this week. By the way, I changed the design of my blog because I was kind of fed up with it, so I hope you like this new one.

Anyway, we all know that the topic of phrasal verbs is not easy, so in order to help you here you have three websites with interesting explanations on this topic, read themt, and revise them carefully.

Then do the activities I asked you for in class, I don't remember exactly which ativities I said in class, but just in case do the following exercises, if any of them is repeated, leave it out.  First, exercises 1, 2 and 3 of page 37  and exercise of page 181 of the student's book. Then go to page 185 of the same book and study the grammar of transitive and intransitive verbs (number 17) and do the exercise which appears inmediately after it.

Remember, send me all your activities to my mail, scan them or write your answers in word or in the body of your mail, but make sure you identify them clearly in order not to make mistakes. Send them by this Tuesday at 5:00 o'clock.

See you and take care!

CELe 7th level students

Weather conditions

How are you doing? a bit upset because we have no classes? I'm sure about it! Anyway, I have changed the design of my blog because I was kind of bored with it, I hope you like it!

I know that the last grammar points were s bit difficult, so here you have a link to practice them as we are not meeting this Monday, click on the following link, do the activity and bring it to class this Tuesday. Remember to print your score.

Future continuous and perfect

Also to have extra practice on the future system, I found another interesting activity for you to revise. Click on the following link and do it, once again, remember to take it to class this Tuesday.

Future forms

Finally, to keep on practicing the vocabuary we have recently checked, here you have an activity on vocabulary about weather, I hope you find it helpful, as sometimes we don't have the opportunity to practice the vocabulary we have just learned, with anybody.

Weather vocabulary

That's all for now, I expect to see you all this Tuesday in class with everything I have asked you for.

See you and take care!

viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012

DIDEPA students FCE

How are you doing? Did you pass a wonderful day with your beloved mothers? Really? That's great!
I hope you all have enjoyed this special day with your family.

Well now we have to get down to work. We need to have further practice on writing, and don't worry if you couldn't finish the writing task in class, the most important thing is that you did it.  So, to keep on practising, please, read the following writing task below and write a review including appropriate language. I also included an extra page that has some tips and advice on how to do this task. Remember, that you can check the writing guide you have in your book on page 201 as well.

Writing Task

You recently saw this notice in a film magazine called Silver Screen.

Film Reviews

Have you seen any good films recently? Write a review telling us why you like it and send it to Silver Screen Magazine.

We'll publish the best reviews in next month's issue

As I think you may need extra help, below you have a page with extra information on this topic, download it, print it if you want and use what you think can be helpful for you.

A review

Do the writing task and send it to my mail by this Tuesday at 5 o'clock. But make sure you take it to class too, because I'm going to collect it to take it home so that I can give you feedback more easily.

jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012

CELe 5th level students

Hi my dear students, I reallly hope you are enjoying this day with your beloved mothers. Enjoy them, play with them, make every second count. Congratulations to your mothers!

The only thing I want you to do today is to download the following 2 exercises about modal verbs, do the first one and the second one take it to class to answer it in class, so you just have to do one activity and bring the other to class.

Must, have to and should

Must, may, might and can't

Remember, you just have to do the first one and bring the second one to class.  See you and take care!

CELe students 7th level

Hi there! enjoying this wonderful day with your mothers? I hope so. Give my regards to your mothers and make sure you show them how important they are for you, everyday.

The only thing I want you to do today is to download the following exercise and answer it, bring it to class to give general feedback. It's extra practice on passive voice that sometimes is a bit difficult.


See you and take care!

CELe 1st level student

Hi dear student, I hope you are enjoying this day with your mothers. Congratulations!

The only thing I want you to do is the following: Download the following image and do the exercise, bring it to class to revise it together and check if you have any questions, the exercise is on Frequency adverbs.

Adverbs of Frequency

See you and take care!

domingo, 6 de mayo de 2012


Hi there! dear students, as I have noticed that you had some troubles with the correct use of must and have to, here you have some help on that. Download them, check the information on the first page and do the first 3 activities you will find on the second one. Make sure you bring them to class to give general feedback.

Must and have to


Then, do the review and use of English of the student's book page 34 along with the exercise of key word transformations on page 31 that I had already told you in class.

Finally, do the exercise of key word transformations which you have on the workbook page 27

As you know you have to scan your answers of the exercises of both books or send me your answers in word or in the body of your mail. Send them by this Tuesday at 6:00 o' clock. Remember that if you send them later you will be penalized.

See you and take care!

domingo, 29 de abril de 2012


Hi there! What have you been up to? Relaxing? Enjoying this amazing long weekend? I hope so. Anyway we have to get down to work. As we saw in class we have to revise the use of some modal verbs.

The first thing you have to do is to click on the link below and check the information you will find there and after that do the exercise on modal verbs that there is there. Send your score to my mail

And the second thing to do is the reading activity we have in the workbook pages 22 and 23. And also the grammar exercise on page 25 the one that is about "Obligation and necessity"  That's all

Remember that you can scan your answers or answer the activities in word or in the body of the mail and send all your activities to my mail  by this Tuesday at 6 o'clock pm

By the way my mail is

Welcome you all again. It's a pleasure for me to work with you again.

lunes, 16 de abril de 2012


Hi my dear students, we have finished this first part of our course, at least! Sorry for not having uploading anything until now, but I had some troubles with my scanner, but don't worry the only thing you have to do is to print the following images which have some useful tips to do the different parts of the speaking exam. Bring this material to class to do some oral activities.

See you and take care!




See you and take care!

sábado, 7 de abril de 2012


Hi my dear students! How are you? still enjoying of this wonderful holyweek? I hope so. As you noticed, I didn't set anything for homework last week, because everybody was really tired and was eager to have a long break. And you know what? You all deserved it since you have worked very hard.

I know that we have to face the reality, so just as a warm up activity and in order to help you remember what we have been working with, please do the exercises 1, 2 and 3 on pages 24 and 25 of your workbook, they all are about vocabulary on sports and pastimes. Remember, you can scan them or just send me the answers to my email by this Tuesday before 6:00 pm

And as I realized that most of you need to have extra practice on listening, below you will find links to websites that will help you improve this skill.

First, here you have a brief piece of information about pronunciation and intonation. Check it out.

Then, in the following link you will find information and listening examples on how to pronounce and stress sentences in English according to some rules.

And finally, check the information in the following link about "English is a stress-timed language", on this website you will find listening and speaking activities, in addition to a comprenhensive piece of information on this interesting topic, pay attention to the speaking activities and check how the meaning changes depending on where you stress each word, they are very helpful.

When you have checked these pages, the only thing you have to do is record your voice with at least four pairs of words of the examples of the first link "expressions of two words" so that you realise if you can or not, pronounce them differently according to what you have read. Record your voice using your cell phone, or a camera or whatever you want, and take it to class to check it.

See you and take care! I'm eager to see you all!.

jueves, 29 de marzo de 2012

Dear 7th level students CELe

Hi my dear students, I know that we have been working hard but Fortunately, we are about to go on holiday, so dont' give up, keep on working till the end. To help you practice and consolidate some grammar and vocabulary issues, here you have some photocopiable activities that you can do to revise during the holy week, download them and print. I know that is a period to relax, but they are not a big deal, and I know you need to practice a lot. So do them and bring to class the next Tuesday 10th.

The first is this: Auxiliary verbs.

The.. the   comparatives


I know you will find them very useful to improve your knowledge.

Enjoy your vacations, be good but not too good, be bad but not too bad, drink, but not too much.

See you and take care!