Hi everybody, How are you doing? I hope just great!. Ready to get down to working? I hope so. Well the first thing I want to remind you is about the writing task we have in the book page 18. Do it using "word" so that I am able to check it and make comments on it. Secondly, remember to do the reading activity on pages 22 and 23, and once again is up to you to scan it, or just send me your answers as you want, but on this occasion I also want you to find at least 3 expressions or key words that you think are the most important to do the activity, or the ones which were the most difficult for you to figure out and write the meaning here on the blog, the meaning can be either in English providing an example or in Spanish, but please write them here on the blog, I told you that sometimes to leave comments on blogs you need to have a google account so if you have any problems doing so, create a new email account to avoid having problems. One important thing, you have to pay attention to what your classmates have posted because you can't repeat the same expressions or words, ok? You can post your comments from today to this Thursday any time.
Then the next activity you have to do is this: click on the following link, to revise information on gerunds and infinitives I'm sure you will find this really helpful, and after that answer the exercises 1, 2 ,3 4, 5 and 6 you have in your book pages 24 and 25 .
Finally, answer the last exercise we have on page 9 of your workbook about use of English part 3 Word formation.
Everything has to be sent to my mail on Thursday by 5 o'clock and as you know it's up to you how you want to send all your activities, but remember that the writing has to be done with "word" so that I can make comments on it.
See you and take care!
Hello everyone,
ResponderEliminarThese are my three words. The first two were easy to understand through context but they were key words in order to figure out what the right paragraph was ("scuttle off" and "kick-start"). And the third one caught my attention because I found three different meanings: as n. (season) and v. (move quickly) and other v. (appear suddenly).
Have a good day!
Best regards,
(line 32)
Scuttle off (V.) To move quickly, with small short steps, especially in order to escape.
Example: The children scuttled off as soon as the head-master appeared.
(line 40)
Kick-start (V.) To make something start to happen.
Example: Taxes were drastically cut in attempt to kick-start the economy.
(line 56)
Spring up (V.) To appear or to start to exist suddenly.
Example: Thousands of new businesses have sprung up in the past couple of years.
ResponderEliminarBesides the words that Xochitl mentioned, the most difficult words to figure out for me were:
Underpin (v.) (line 38) To be an important basic part of something, allowing it to succeed or continue to exist.
Example: A language course should be underpinned by a sound theoretical basis.
Frayed (adj.) (line 94) If your nerves or temper are frayed, you are angry or nervous.
Example: Tempers were getting frayed.
Usher (v.) (line 125) To lead someone politely somewhere, for example into a room or toward a seat.
Example: Inspector Malley ushered us into his office.
ResponderEliminarI found a lot of new words, among them I chose these ones:
to get swept up: to let oneself go in the excitement of the moment.
braziers: simple metal container in which a fire is lit outside, used for cooking or for keeping people warm.
stroll: to walk without hurrying, often for pleasure: young couples out strolling with their arms round each other.