Easily confused words

Hi there! ready to finish the first part of the Diplomado? a bit nervous for the next exam? I bet you are!
This is just a brief note to remind you of the activities you have to do for this final week. Do the exercises of your workbook pages 12, the whole page, page 13, just exercise 3, page 15 exercise 3. And you also have to do exercises 1,2 and 3 of the student's book about "easily confused words", and if it's possible, do this exercises of the student's book before you do the workbook. Also remember the writing on page 30 of your student's book. Send it using word please.
Below you will find a very interesting site about confused words, if you think you need extra help, you can check the information you will find right there.
You have to send me all your activities by this Wednesday before 7:00 pm
Ok that's all. It has been a pleasure for me to work with you all. Keep on working until the end and see you this Saturday.

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