viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

Group 703

Hi beautiful girls. I hope you enjoy your weekend. Anyway, I told you that I have found very interesting activities for you to improve your listening and speaking. Please, read the information which appears at the beginning, then just listen and repeat as many times as you wish the activities below the titles "English is a stress-timed language" and "Speaking" you don´t have to give anything, just to practice.

This is the link:

See you and take care. Please drop a comment telling me how you like these activities. Bye

Group 303

Hi boys and girls! As I told you, here you have a very interesting activity to practice sentence stress and intonation. Click on the following link and listen and repeat as many times as possible the recordings below the titles: "English is a stress timed language" and "Speaking" I hope you find these examples useful. See you!

martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

Group 703

Hi girls! Ready to start working here? I hope so. As I have noticed that you had some problems with future perfect and future continuous, I think you will find this exercise very useful. So click on the following link, do the activity and print your score, give it to me by Friday.

Future Tenses

Now talking about vocabulary, I think it's worth remembering words about weather. Choose between the crossword or the wordsearch and have fun playing the game. Once again, print your score and give it to me by Friday.

Weather Vocabulary Games

And since we are playing games, what about playing one on stress and pronunciation?
I'm sure you are eager to show me how good you are at doing this, so here you have the opportunity you were waiting for. Play the stress monsters game, it's up to you the level you want to play, but choose File 3. Then just print your score and give it to me by Friday. See you and take care

Group 303

Hi boys and girls! After such a long time, we have to start working with these extra-activities again. To begin with, click on the following link to do the grammar activity on the New English File Website. Give it to me by Friday.


Game on comparatives

This activity is for you to have a bit of fun. As we have already finished working with comparatives, I suppose you will find this activity easy and interesting, good luck! Print your score and hand it in by Friday.

Group 902

Hi beautiful girls! I hope the weather is much better tomorrow, because it's been really freezing all these days. Anyway, I found a very useful website that has information on reported speech, study this information in the following links:

In the second link you will find more information and two activities. Print and do the activities so you can give them to me by Friday. Good luck and take care!

Group 1002

Hi everybody! It's been a long time since we last worked on the blog, so, today I have found a very interesting exercise on conditionals so you can have further practice to what we have done in class.
Click on the following link and do the quizz and print your final score. Give it to me by Friday. Bye!


The second ativity I want you to do is to learn how to improve your pronunciation. Click on the following link to study some rules about sentence stress and pronunciation

Sentence Stress

In the following link you can have more information and also listen and repeat as many times as you want the activities you will find there. You don't have to give me anything, just practice please.

Finally, the activity I do want you to do is the following. Click on the following link and do the Listening exercise B, "Word Stress and Meaning", you will find the activity at the bottom of the page. Print your score and give it to me by Friday.

martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010

Group 303

Hi girls and boys! I hope all these days that we spent our time resting at home had been enough. We had a long break but now it's time to get back to work harder than ever. Anyway, let's start with a bit of grammar, click on the following link and do the activities that you'll find there, print your score and give it to me by Friday.



Have fun with the following game, print it and give it to me on Friday too.


I found a very interesting and useful page that will help you to practice the pronunciation of regular verbs in past. click on the link, you have the option of listen to the verbs that you'll have there or just look at the verb and choose the correct option according to the pronunciation that we have practiced in class, do the activity print your score, and once again give it to me by Friday.

Finally, go to the following site to listen and repeat different activities in past, as many times as you need in order to practice your listening. To do this activity you have to scroll down the mouse just a little bit. Bye and take care.

sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2010

Group 902

Hi there! How have you been? Enjoying these long holidays? Great! Sorry to put the link I want you to check until today, but I was having some problems with intenet, anyway here you have the link where you can listen and repeat as many times as you want the pronunciation of some words related to landscapes. Check the link and we can talk about it on Monday. See you and take care!

martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010

Groups 902,1002, 303 and 703

Hi everybody, just a note to let you know that tomorrow we do have classes, sorry but tomorrow we have to work. The long weekend for us will start until tomorrow afternoon. See you.
By the way, group 1002, you haven't uploaded the links to the websites including information about verb patterns. Hurry up!

domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

Group 902

Hello everybody. As some of you didn't show up last Friday maybe because you didn't know If I was coming or not, I decided to look for some activities on Future for you, since we have already checked this topic in class, and you need to have further practice in case you still have some doubts about it. After checking the grammar reference in your book, click on the following link, and do the exercises . These sites have a feedback section, so you just need to print the last page where your score is shown and hand it in to me by Wednesday.

It's important for you to drop a line or comment about how you like the activities or about something you would like to share with us, because as you have noticed the name of this blog is "sharing and creating knowledge" so, anybody can contribute with anything you want. See you later, bye.

Group 1002

Hi there! How are you doing? As I have realized, you have some problems with passive voice, so in the following links you'll find useful information about it.


Once you have checked this information, do the quizz about the passive. Check the feedback and print your score. Hand it in by Wednesday.

I hope you find these activities useful. Please drop a line about how you like these activities. Thanks a lot.

Group 303

Hi there? How are you? I hope everything is ok. As I told you, we'll have to work a lot in order to catch up. So to begin with, click on the following links to have further practice on grammar.


Remember to print the score and give them to me by Wednesday. Bye take care

Group 703

Hi dear students! How are you doing? I hope you are fine. As you know, we have missed so much school so, we will have to work harder if we want to catch up. To begin with, click on the following links in which you'll find activities to listen and practice the vowels and the consonants. You can listen to them as many times as you want to improve your listening and pronunciation. Make sure you practice these because on Wednesday we'll be doing an activity on phonetics in class. The links are the following:



Once you have finished these activities, you have to do the following: Click on the following links to do some exercises on grammar to practice and consolidate what we have checked. Print them and hand them in to me by Wednesday. Remember, you just have to print the score.

The links are the following:

That's all for today see you in class. Take care. Remember to drop a line about how you like these activities. Bye.

jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010

Groups 902,1002, 303 and 703

Hi there! Please check the welcome speech that you will find below where you see the same image. Bye See you all!

Group 303

Hi as you have checked in class, some of you have problems with pronunciation because you don't remember the phonetic symbols or because you were not here in the previous courses. So to help you remember this I want you to click on the following link and listen and repeat the sounds as many times as you need it to practice your pronunciation.

This link will take you to a pronunciation practice on vowels. Enjoy it!

This second link will take you to practice diphthongs.

Once you have practiced these two activities play the game "stress monsters" you can choose the difficulty level you want, it can be: easy, medium or difficult. Make sure you choose File 1 This game is to practice "stress" in some words that you know. When you finish, print your score and give it to me by Monday.

Click here to play the game:

I hope you enjoy this activity and don't forget to give me this activity by Monday.

Groups 902,1002, 303 and 703

Hello you all! Welcome to this new experience of learning English using a blog. You'll discover that through this tool we can get in touch at any time and you'll find many links to different exercises and activities which will help you to practice, consolidate and learn things which were not clear enough in class. You can also use this means of communication to share interesting information such as activities or games which can help your classmates to have further practice. Anyway, feel free to write what you think might be important to all of us.
When I ask you to do something, please check your group and do the activities of your group only, since I have 4 groups you need to be very careful and just do the homework you have in your group.

martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

Group 303

Hello boys and girls! Today we will be working with the grammar structures that we have been revising in class. Cilck on the following link to do an activity on infinitives. Print your score and give it to me by Friday.

Then check the following activity where you have to decide whether to use the infinitive or the ing form. Once again, print your score and hand it in by this Friday. See you and take care. I hope these activities help you to consolidate what we have seen in class. Bye!

Groups 902, 903 and 905

How are you doing? I hope you all are ok. I know that talking about journeys there are many words that can be a bit hard to remember and to use correctly! So I found a very interesting site on internet in which you will find a comprenhensive explanation on when and why to use the words: travel, trip, journey and many others so I hope you find this interesting and helpful. So do not hesitate and click on the following link.

Then click on the following link to do an activity to practice what you have just revised in the previous site. It's important to say that if you have a doubt you can click on each sentence to read the explanation. Print your score and hand it in by Friday. See you!

martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

Groups 902, 903 and 905

Hi there! As I promised, here you have the answers to the exercise on reported speech.

1. Robert boasted that he had always been good at Maths.
2. Nidia objected to paying that much for gas.
3. Belem insisted that I must see a doctor immediately or Belem insisted that I should see a doctor immediately ( in this case because you can use the construction verb + that + subject + should with the verbs insist and suggest instead of the gerund)
4. My father promised to help me with my homework the following Saturday or My father promised that he would help me with my homework the coming Saturday
5. Susan warned her children not to play with matches or they might get burned.
6. Jimmy confessed to breaking the window or Jimmy confessed to his mother that he had broken the window

I hope you have had good marks. See you all!

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

Group 303

Hi boys and girls! I know that the topic on comparatives and superlative exercises was a bit difficult for some of you and we need extra practice, so please take a look at the website that you will find in the following link, so click on it read the information and then do the exercise that you will find at the end. Print your score and bring it by this Monday. See you and take care.

Groups 902, 903 and 905

Hi there! how have you been? What are you up to? I hope everything is ok. Today you have an activity on reported speech. Check the following sentences and rewrite them with reported speech, choose the more appropriate of the reporting verbs given. Hand them in by next Monday. See you and take care.

1. 'I have always been good at Maths' Robert said insist boast
2. 'I don't want to pay that much for gas' Nidia said object grumble
3. 'You must see a doctor immediately' Belem told me confess insist
4. 'I'll help you with your homework next Saturday' My father told me beg promise
5. 'Don't play with matches or you may get burned' Susan told her children warn predict
6. 'Ok, Ok I broke the window' Jimmy told his mother agree confess

miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010

Group 303

Hi there! As we started a new topic, I was looking for some extra activities which can help you with the topic about defining relative clauses. So click on the following links the first two are for you to revise some rules, and the third to do an execise.

This link talks about relative adverbs.

This is about relative pronous

And this is the exercise.

It's important just to pay attention to the information that you have right in front of you when you click on the link, but if you want you can read everything, but you may not understand all that you read, because there is more information about clauses that you don't need to know in this moment.
Once you have done the activity, print it and bring it by this Tuesday. See you and have a nice day.

martes, 9 de marzo de 2010

Groups: 902, 903 and 905

Hi there! What do you think of this unit that we have just started? I know that it might be a bit difficult to try to learn and use all the new words that we'll be checking here. So to begin with, I would like you to check the following:

This site will help you to practice pronunciation on different words that have a lot to do with landscapes and cities. So listen and repeat each word as many times as you want, then choose 5 words and write a meaningful sentence with each of them trying to use the adjectives that we have just checked in class. Hand them in by Friday. See you. I hope you like this activity too.

jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010

Group 303

Hi boys and girls! It's great to start working with you all! As you know I was absent for two days, so we have a lot of things to do to catch up on. (ponernos al corriente) . Anyway the first thing we will be doing is to practice with grammar, so I would like you to click on the following link and do the exercise on word order in questions. If your answer is correct you will have a tick, if it is not you will get a message saying "sorry try again"

Print it and give it to me by this Monday.

The second activity is about present simple. There are 6 sentences and you have to choose the correct option, in the end you can check your score. Once again, print it and hand it in by Monday

Now, the following link is to practice your classroom language, it's a crossword, and you will have to print it once you have finished, because there are different crosswords and I need to check the one that you did with your score.

Remember this activity is also by this Monday.

I would really appreciate you to drop a comment about the activities you will be doing, if you like them or not, what else you would like to do and if you have another site that can be helpful for your classmates, feel free to share anything you want with us. At least, this first time is necessary for you to write anything so that I can consider your participation. On this occasion, I decided to use just the activities of the New English File site, but later I will choose other web sites.

See you and take care!

miércoles, 3 de marzo de 2010

Groups 902,903 and 905

Hi it's a pleasure to see you all after such a while. Today we start working on the internet with this blog.

The first activity for you is the following: After having checked the grammar reference about future and the activities in the workbook, click on the following links and do the activities. This site has a feedback section, so you just have to print the last page where your score is shown.

I hope this site is hopeful for you all. The deadline to hand in these activities is this Monday, so you will have plenty of time to do it. It's important for you to drop a line or a comment you want to share with us, because as you have noticed, the name of this blog is precisely "sharing and creating knowledge", so everybody can contribute with anything you want.

See you later, take care.