jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010

Groups 902,1002, 303 and 703

Hi there! Please check the welcome speech that you will find below where you see the same image. Bye See you all!

Group 303

Hi as you have checked in class, some of you have problems with pronunciation because you don't remember the phonetic symbols or because you were not here in the previous courses. So to help you remember this I want you to click on the following link and listen and repeat the sounds as many times as you need it to practice your pronunciation.

This link will take you to a pronunciation practice on vowels. Enjoy it!


This second link will take you to practice diphthongs.


Once you have practiced these two activities play the game "stress monsters" you can choose the difficulty level you want, it can be: easy, medium or difficult. Make sure you choose File 1 This game is to practice "stress" in some words that you know. When you finish, print your score and give it to me by Monday.

Click here to play the game:


I hope you enjoy this activity and don't forget to give me this activity by Monday.

Groups 902,1002, 303 and 703

Hello you all! Welcome to this new experience of learning English using a blog. You'll discover that through this tool we can get in touch at any time and you'll find many links to different exercises and activities which will help you to practice, consolidate and learn things which were not clear enough in class. You can also use this means of communication to share interesting information such as activities or games which can help your classmates to have further practice. Anyway, feel free to write what you think might be important to all of us.
When I ask you to do something, please check your group and do the activities of your group only, since I have 4 groups you need to be very careful and just do the homework you have in your group.