domingo, 6 de abril de 2014

Group 503

Oral Activity

Hi dear students here you have the instructions to make you video.

1. Pair activity. Go to page 25 of your student's book, look at the speaking activity. 
2. You have 9 circles about different things,choose two of these circles and talk about one thing inside the circle.
3. Make  at least 4 questions  to your partner about that thing using present perfect, present perfect continuous and simple past.
4. When you finish asking your partner about his or her 2 things or people, change roles and now you have to answer your partner's questions about you.


A: Why did you write laptop?
B: because my laptop is very important for me.
A: Really? How long have you had it?
B: I've had it for 2 years
A: Where did you get it?
B: I bought it at Costco
A: How much did you pay for it?
B I paid 4500 pesos
A: How did you pay it?
B: in cash 

Important You will be graded according to the following criteria

1. You shouldn't read what you are speaking
2. You must sound and look natural
3. You must reduce the quality of your video so that it isn't too heavy.
4. The video must last up to a maximum of 2 minutes and a half
5. You should use appropriate grammar stuctures and vocabulary range, I mean, according to the level you are in.
6. Use correct pronunciation and intonation patterns.
7. Make sure you interact with your partner naturally.

Send your video to my mail or upload it on youtube, in this case, just send me the link or take it in a usb and give it to me, you can also use you cell phone and send it to me by bluetooth by this Friday.

In case you can't find a partner, change the activity and imagine you are talking about the things in your two circles.


I wrote Francis because we have been friends for 10 years. I met her in the secondary school. We've been doing many thins together since then...

I hope everything is clear. See you on Monday and take care.

Group 202

Oral Activities

Hi dear students, here you have the instructions to make your first video.

Look at the image you have below, download it and then choose 2 sections of the page and make these questions to your partner. Then change roles. Make any necessary changes to complete the questions. The sections are: 

This morning
When you were 10 years old
Last Saturday
Your last birthday
Your last holiday


This morning

A: What time did you get up this morning?
B: I woke up at 6:30
A: How did you go to school this morning?
B: I got to school by car.

 You can practice the conversation as many times as you want, but it's important act naturally.
1.    No se debe leer lo que se  está filmando.
2.    El video debe tener una extensión máxima de 2 minutos y medio. Deben de bajar la calidad de imagen para que no sea muy pesado.
3.    Se debe de hacer con el celular, una cámara o cualquier otro aparato electrónico.
4. La calificación se otorgará en función del desempeño del alumno con respecto al correcto uso de estructuras gramaticales y vocabulario de acuerdo al nivel en el que se encuentra, así como la correcta pronunciación y entonación en la producción oral y la forma de interactuar con sus compañeros.

2a. Actividad: 2o. video Individually.

Basado en la información sobre vocabulario y la correcta pronunciación de las palabras, Haz un video utilizando una foto o imagen de una casa o departamento amueblado, imagina que quieres rentarla (o). Descríbela  utilizando las estructuras vistas en clase, tales como: there are, some, any, etc . Utiliza el vocabulario apropiado para describir tanto las partes de la casa como el mobiliario., así como su ubicación. La imagen puede ser real o imaginaria

A: I'm renting a large furnished flat. The flat is on the first floor in a quiet residential area. It has two bedrooms and two bathrooms with shower. There is a living room, a dinning room and a studio. It has a big kitchen, but it doesn't have internet connection. It's a 10-minute walk from shops. There is a small TV in front of a sofa...

1.    No se debe leer lo que se  está filmando.
2.    El video debe tener una extensión máxima de 1 minuto y medio. Deben de bajar la calidad de imagen para que no sea muy pesado.
3.    Se debe de hacer con el celular, una cámara o cualquier otro aparato electrónico.
4. La calificación se otorgará en función del desempeño del alumno con respecto al correcto uso de estructuras gramaticales y vocabulario de acuerdo al nivel en el que se encuentra, así como la correcta pronunciación y entonación en la producción oral
Pongan especial atención a la duración de cada video y sigan cuidadosamente las instrucciones. Recuerden que uno es individual y el otro en parejas, si no encuentran pareja, háganlo en trios.

Mándenme al correo sus videos o subanlos a youtube o twitter y mándenme sólo el link. Tienen hasta el viernes de la semana próxima para enviarme su video. Saludos y buen fin de semana.