jueves, 3 de julio de 2014

Group 303

ed pronunciation

Hi dear students, how are you doing? I hope just fine. As I have notice that you still have some problems with the pronunciation of the regular verbs in simple past, here you have a very interesting activity. Scan the following QR Code using you cellphone, it will take you to very interesting website with a comprenhensive piece of information on this topic. You will also find a video showing the most important aspects on the correct pronunciation of the 3 different endings of the regular verbs, if you need it, watch it. When you have studied the information, read and record with your voice the story, using your cell phone. Take it to class next Wednesday. We will be working in pairs to provide feedback.

In case you don't have the app, here you have th link:

ed rules and story 

Group 502

Hi dear students, as we have a long weekend ahead, here you have some interesting activities for you to practice the pronunciation of regular verbs. First, go to the following image and scan it with the app "Scan Life", it will take you to a website where you can see another blog and a video with a very good explanation on the pronunciation of past simple of regular verbs. Watch the video and then, record with your voice 6 different sentences using two verbs of each kind of ed pronunciation,  and an appropriate past time expression. (last Monday, last month, yesterday morning, yesterday afternoon, two days ago, etc.)
Example of sentences:
1. I wanted to eat at the Italianis with my family last Saturday, but we couldn't go.
2. Mike worked hard to finish his homework yesterday.
3. My parents arrived at the airport 3 hours ago.

Take your recording to class (on Tuesday) and in groups of three compare your recordings and then put the recordings in one file and send them to my mail after class, include the name of the 3 people in the team.Use your cellphones to share the recordings

In case you don't have the app here you have the link.

ed past simple