martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

Group 703

Hi girls! Ready to start working here? I hope so. As I have noticed that you had some problems with future perfect and future continuous, I think you will find this exercise very useful. So click on the following link, do the activity and print your score, give it to me by Friday.

Future Tenses

Now talking about vocabulary, I think it's worth remembering words about weather. Choose between the crossword or the wordsearch and have fun playing the game. Once again, print your score and give it to me by Friday.

Weather Vocabulary Games

And since we are playing games, what about playing one on stress and pronunciation?
I'm sure you are eager to show me how good you are at doing this, so here you have the opportunity you were waiting for. Play the stress monsters game, it's up to you the level you want to play, but choose File 3. Then just print your score and give it to me by Friday. See you and take care

Group 303

Hi boys and girls! After such a long time, we have to start working with these extra-activities again. To begin with, click on the following link to do the grammar activity on the New English File Website. Give it to me by Friday.


Game on comparatives

This activity is for you to have a bit of fun. As we have already finished working with comparatives, I suppose you will find this activity easy and interesting, good luck! Print your score and hand it in by Friday.

Group 902

Hi beautiful girls! I hope the weather is much better tomorrow, because it's been really freezing all these days. Anyway, I found a very useful website that has information on reported speech, study this information in the following links:

In the second link you will find more information and two activities. Print and do the activities so you can give them to me by Friday. Good luck and take care!

Group 1002

Hi everybody! It's been a long time since we last worked on the blog, so, today I have found a very interesting exercise on conditionals so you can have further practice to what we have done in class.
Click on the following link and do the quizz and print your final score. Give it to me by Friday. Bye!


The second ativity I want you to do is to learn how to improve your pronunciation. Click on the following link to study some rules about sentence stress and pronunciation

Sentence Stress

In the following link you can have more information and also listen and repeat as many times as you want the activities you will find there. You don't have to give me anything, just practice please.

Finally, the activity I do want you to do is the following. Click on the following link and do the Listening exercise B, "Word Stress and Meaning", you will find the activity at the bottom of the page. Print your score and give it to me by Friday.