viernes, 22 de febrero de 2013

Group 703

Hi there! how are you doing? I hope just fine. As I've noticed you have some trouble with question tags and with the intonation of question tags please, click on the link below, you will find a very useful video about this topic, and when you finish watching it, do the exercise 2 that comes below the video after the section 3 time to practice.  When you click on the exercise 2 it will send you to 2 activities, do both of them, write your answers by hand or in word because you can't write in the page and bring them to class next Tuesday.
Video on question tags

See you and take care!

Group 303

Hi my dear and smart students welcome to this new adventure, here you will improve, practice and consolidate your knowledge. And you also will be sharing and creating knowledge with your classmates.
To begin with, click on the following link, there you will find the page named home page  check the information about word order in questions and then do the exercise below the chart named:  exercise on word order in questions 1, do it and bring your score to class this Tuesday.
See you and take care!

Group 105

Hi my dear students, welcome to this new way to learn and practice English. Como esta es su primera vez que trabajan con un blog en inglés y son principiantes, estaré usando inglés y español para darles instrucciones. Es importante que se empiecen a familiarizar con términos como: "download" que es bajar. "go to the following link"   que significa ve al siguiente link, "you have to" que significa tienes que. Para que poco a poco vayamos usando inglés para comunicarnos, leernos y escribirnos.

Para empezar, tienen que bajar las siguientes imágenes que son de actividades complementarias de gramática y vocabulario. Las pueden guardar en sus documentos, o sólo imprimirlas, las contestan y las traen el próximo martes a clase ya contestadas para que demos retroalimentación y solucionemos dudas.

Verb to be


Verb to be negative and interrogative

Grammar Possessive adjectives
Recuerda, para imprimirlas sólo tienes que dar click derecho y guardar o sólo imprimir.