lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011


Hi dear students! as you know this week we are not meeting so we have to do some activities to catch up with all the work we have to do.

To begin with, if you remember we didn't do the review and use of English of page 64, so this is the first thing you have to do. Scan it and send it to my mail by next Monday 31st.

This week we have to start with the unit number 7 so I want you to write here on the blog 3 inventions that you think were the best for the world and 3 that were the worst.Explain why. Your participation must be on the blog by this Wednesday before 4:00 pm

Then, look up in the dictionary the meanings of the following phrasal verbs: come across, come up with, pick up, give up and try out, just in case you don't know them, if you know them all, just go to page 66 and 67 and do the reading activity you'll find right there, exercises 1,2 and 3 of page 66 and in the section of vocabulary page 67 exercises 1, 2 and 3. Scan these activities and send them to my mail by next Monday 31st along with the review.

Finally, just as an introduction for the following class, go to the following link and study the rules you'll find there on gerund and infinitives, but you don't have to do anything, just revise for our next class.

Gerunds and infinitives

It's important for you to read carefully the information you have here, so that you can do what you are supposed to.

Thank you so much for your participation. See you in two weeks time. Enjoy your mini vacations.