lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011


Hi dear students! as you know this week we are not meeting so we have to do some activities to catch up with all the work we have to do.

To begin with, if you remember we didn't do the review and use of English of page 64, so this is the first thing you have to do. Scan it and send it to my mail by next Monday 31st.

This week we have to start with the unit number 7 so I want you to write here on the blog 3 inventions that you think were the best for the world and 3 that were the worst.Explain why. Your participation must be on the blog by this Wednesday before 4:00 pm

Then, look up in the dictionary the meanings of the following phrasal verbs: come across, come up with, pick up, give up and try out, just in case you don't know them, if you know them all, just go to page 66 and 67 and do the reading activity you'll find right there, exercises 1,2 and 3 of page 66 and in the section of vocabulary page 67 exercises 1, 2 and 3. Scan these activities and send them to my mail by next Monday 31st along with the review.

Finally, just as an introduction for the following class, go to the following link and study the rules you'll find there on gerund and infinitives, but you don't have to do anything, just revise for our next class.

Gerunds and infinitives

It's important for you to read carefully the information you have here, so that you can do what you are supposed to.

Thank you so much for your participation. See you in two weeks time. Enjoy your mini vacations.

8 comentarios:

  1. Talking about inventions, I have to say that most of them are useful then if I need to identify the 3 best for the world I’d choose mobile phones, cars and computers. The because is that they have made the way of life easier. Can you imagine our lives nowadays without communication? Mobile phones keep in touch people even in the most dangerous or difficult situations, that is the case of an earthquake or when any person is lost in a road.
    The cars is a very important invention, they allow to transport people and things in less time, I think it is more than a tool, if you can´t have one you can rent one. And the last one in order but not less important is the computer, it help in most of the professions and jobs, it makes the work easier, more organized and faster.
    In contrast, 3 inventions that were the worst in my opinion, the first ones are weapons, because the produce death and danger, the second one is the atomic bomb because all the suffer, death and danger that it produced and finally all the magic items that it supposes they work making miracles in people´s health and the only thing that they do is to cheat them.
    Well, this is my opinion, thanks.

  2. I have chosen what I think are the greatest 3 modern inventions and listed them from least to most important. First of all. I think that one invention that surely change the world, was the discovery of the antibiotics. What would happen nowadays without this important discovery? Three centuries ago, almost everyone died of infectious diseases. Now whit the antibiotics is easier to recover from an illness!

    The second invention , I think would be the discovery of the electricity. Electricity existed all along, but the system of devices needed to generate this force and distribute it to individual things. Without this, we can´t use anything that needs this to function, such as television, computers and many many things more. The third one I think would be the automobile. This has been called one of the greatest inventions in modern history. This allow us to travel from one place to another in short time.

    On the other hand. 3 inventions that I consider the worst was: In first place the Microsoft Clippy: Clippy is something which is introduced by Microsoft in its Office 97, The purpose of clippy was to provide special help to the users. However, the way that he would start talking as soon as the user carried out any task was simply unbearable and irritating for many of the users. I personally don´t like this at all. The second would be the Nintendo Virtual Boy: Nintendo virtual boy only stayed alive for around 6 months and then it vanished, because of its heavy body and expensive price tags. And the third one in my opinion could be the carbonated soft drinks. They are responsible for causing too much weight gain and tooth decay.

  3. I agree with my classmates in many points. In spite of it, I think that one of the greatest inventions is Internet (where a lot of doubts could be solved as well as a lot of information could be found). The second one could be Peniciline (imagine just had got a cold and died) and the last one Religions (if there wasn't Someone in which we could believe our life may not be solid and it doesn't have sense).
    Anyway, those have being considered because most of us have been helped by them at any time.
    I think, as well as others, that all inventions have a wrong point where people are injured in a body or soul. But the most dangerous think isn’t inventions as bad as ways in which we think and how they are applied.
    Best wishes!

  4. Hi everybodyl! Well I think the 3 best inventions, in my opinion would be for us the wonderful women is the washer, dryer, because thanks to these two inventions we simplify a little housework. And finally, the creation and development of communication networks that are essential to develop most of our academic activities, working among others.

    And in the worst inventions are the weapons, they destroy and kill innocents, synthetic drugs which cause more addiction and finally leaded gasoline has caused an increased rate of global pollution.
    Well that's my opinion. Have a good weekend and good Halloween.

  5. The best inventions for me are: In first place the computer because it´s an useful machine to work with and it´s better if you have Internet. It have been helping many people all around the world and you can also communicate with each others.
    The second one would be for sure the cell phone. This little but helpful invention has also helped a lot of people in the world to communicate with each others. It could have special features such as music, Internet, Photographs you can download music, etc.
    And Finally the best invention in my opinion should be the electricity, if you don´t have electricity, simply you cannot use the computer, listen to music, watch TV, etc.

    The three worst inventions for me are:
    The weapons, because they were created specially to destroy ppeople and entire nations.
    Another is the atomic bomb, because just as weapons, it was invented to destroy an kill.
    The last one is a toilet wich was invented in Japan that gets warmer in winter, I think it's not that necessary.

  6. In my opinion, the best invention is definitely electricity! In today's culture, electricity is a vital part of functioning as a society. Simple tasks, such as waking up at a designated time or enjoying a piece of music, are accomplished currently via electronic means.

    The second most important invention are cars, because they help us to travel in a shorter time. About the third invention I consider it coul be internet! Just imagine how many things can we do in a short time using a internet. Is amazing!

    The three worst things have been invented are:

    The first one weapons, they are the worst invention because they just produce violence.

    The second are drugs! They are specially Synthetic substances. The illegal drugs are making users across the nation seriously ill, causing seizures and hallucinations and even killing some people

    Finaly, in the last one I agree with Edgar, is in my opinion the carbonated soft drinks. Not just because they are responsible for causing too much weight, now a days if you consume them a lot, it could result in several ways of cancer.

  7. In my opinion, the worst inventions are weapons, plastic bags and fast food. At the beginning, man needed protect himself and his family from wide animals; also he hunted them in order to provide food; there were some of the most important reasons to build weapons. Unfortunately, through the time, man gave weapons a different utility. He used them for conquer another countries and more recently the gangs and the organized crime kill innocent people.
    About plastic bags, maybe they are cheaper than paper bags, but the cause huge environmental damage because it is necessary to pass hundreds of years before they disappear. When it rains, they are one of the most common causes of floods.
    And finally, I think fast food is another of the worst inventions because it has changed eating habits; in many cases people who eat it, are always in a hurry. Also it is one of the reasons of fatness because it is has a high level of grease. Furthermore it contributes to forget traditional cuisine.
    In the other hand, I think vaccines, telephones and computers are the greatest inventions. Vaccines because they have contributed to save millions of lives, especially children. At the same time, they and another medical advances have helped to increase life expectancy.
    Telephones are an amazing tool that allows people to be in touch no matter how far they are. They provide a warmer and more personal way to communicate each other.
    Computers have been very useful; one of the most benefited fields has been the academic. Few decades before, researchers must to write in a typewriter. If they have a little mistake, they can erase with liquid or paper corrector. But, if it was a big one, they had to rewrite the whole piece of paper. Also if they wanted to move a paragraph from its initial position. I think it is the reason for having just a few of thesis.

  8. In my opinion the three most important and positive inventions have been the "antispetical measures",because of them many people in the hospitals do n't die, adults, children,elders, just for mention some of the different social groups that exist; the second invention is the wheel, through this device the human beencould spend less force in order to get more benefits, on the field,in the factories, and in other kind of enterprises; the third invention is the glass, with this creation we could invent the lenses, in that way we could realize of the universe's dimension,at the same time we could know about de atoms.
    On the other hand, the three worst invention,are the viruses,aerosols and the weapos, these three differents creations have demonstrated a crucial damage to the world and also to the humanity.Because of them we have achieved shame, pain and suffering,insuch magnitud that the forgiveness and forgetfulness are beyond to our wild and conscienc... LD
