lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011

Didepa students

Hi there! How are you? I hope just fine. As you know, the following class we will be working with writing, so I found a vey useful slide on this topic and it's about improving our writing, it's called Top ten tips writing. The only thing I want you to do is to revise it and really check it out, later write on the blog what is the mistake that you more commonly made while writing. Your comment must be by this Wednesday before 5:00 o clock so in class we can talk about it.

top ten tips writing

See you and take care!

8 comentarios:

  1. I think that the most common mistakes that we commit are in different aspects. Pronunciation: Our language interference makes us pronouns similar words in English and Spanish (cognates) For example: Idea, Special, Doctor, Television, Architect, etc.

    Semantics mistakes which are also cause by our language interference, mostly with beginners. For example: Noun plus adjective, instead of adjective plus noun. Or modal auxiliary verbs with the particle "to" For instance: I can to play the piano, I will to go to Toluca.

  2. Another mistakes that we make in writing are also secunense of ideas, omission of capital letters and punctuation.

  3. One common mistake in writing is the omittion of the letter "s" for a third singular person. For example: He play tennis every day instead of He plays tennis every day. Another mistake is also in the past simple interrogative, because students sometimes use the past tense of the verb whit the auxiliary "did" For instance: Did you went to the party yesterday? Or I didn´t went to Acapulco last summer.

  4. As the document descript states, one of the most common mistakes I make is not answering the question completely. Usually, I start to write and after many minutes I continue writing, but not focoused on the main issue. Another mistake is write more words than the test asks; I didn´t know it is penalized until last class. In last exam I forgot to state the purpose of the report and divide the paragraphs in order to organize the ideas. I think most of the advices in the document are very useful for improve our writing skills. Graciela.

  5. The main point to made wrong writtings in my case has been that I don't plan it. So on with nervious I don't complete the task.

    Best wishes!

  6. Well, I think tha one of my most common mistakes is that I don´t want to make spelling mistakes and I don´t improve my English, I don´t take the risk and I prefere writing as a less level student, maybe as a inrtermediate student, I know that my nerves is the reason.

    See you.

  7. Hi!!
    Well I think that in my most common mistakes are not answering or complete the task successfully, the use of more and varied vocabulary, proper organization of the paragraphs and the specific use of certain phrases or expressions.

  8. Hello teacher,
    My most common mistakes are to write the words in the appropiate order,the punctuation and sometimes the vocabulary range,but this happened when I don´t have enoug knowledgw abot the topic I am writing about.
