lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014

group 1001

Extra grammar and vocabulary activities


Hi dear students, here you will find some links to more activities that will help you improve your vocabulary and grammar skills. The first link is for you to practice grammar of unit 12 that is about causatives.

Unit 12 causatives

The second one is about compound adjectives, I hope you enjoy it!

Unit 12 Compound adjectives

As I have also realized that you have problems with word formation, here you'll find a link to a page  with a comprehensive piece of information on this topic, and then you will find another link that has a special activity for students at First Certificate Level. I hope you find this interesting and useful.

Word formation information

Now here you have the exercises.

Word formation exercises

Word formation (nouns)

Do all the activities and bring your scores by this Thursday in class. See you and take care!

Group 103

Oral Activity: video In a clothes shop.


Hi dear students, here you have the instructions to make your video for the next oral activity. You have to look at pages 42  and 43 of your student book and make a video about buying clothes, remember to include information about size, price, colours, and you have to try the clothes on. You can make the video in pairs or in trios.


a: Good afternoon, can I help you?
b: Ye, please, what size is this pair of jeans?
a: it's large, what size do you need?
b: A small in black
a: sorry we, don't have black, only navy blue and white
b: ok, navy blue is ok
a:This is a small.
b: Thanks, where can I try them on?
a: The changing rooms are over there
b: thank you
a: How were they?
b: They are fine, how much is it?
a: It's 38.67
b: Ok, Can you take credit card?
a: Yes, of course!
b: here you have
a: thank you!
b: Ok, see you.

As you can see, this dialogue is a bit bigger than the one you have in your book, so feel free to include any other expression that you think is fine in this conversation.


1.     No se debe leer lo que se  está filmando.
2.     El video debe de tener una extensión máxima de 1:30 minutos.
3.     Deben de bajar la calidad de imagen para que no sea muy pesado.
4.   Se debe de hacer con el celular, una cámara o cualquier otro aparato electrónico.

La calificación se otorgará en función del desempeño del alumno con respecto al correcto uso de estructuras gramaticales y vocabulario de acuerdo al nivel en el que se encuentra, así como la correcta pronunciación y entonación en la producción oral. La forma de interactuar debe de ser lo más natural posible y apegada a la situación y al contexto en el que se encuentran.