viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012

DIDEPA students FCE

How are you doing? Did you pass a wonderful day with your beloved mothers? Really? That's great!
I hope you all have enjoyed this special day with your family.

Well now we have to get down to work. We need to have further practice on writing, and don't worry if you couldn't finish the writing task in class, the most important thing is that you did it.  So, to keep on practising, please, read the following writing task below and write a review including appropriate language. I also included an extra page that has some tips and advice on how to do this task. Remember, that you can check the writing guide you have in your book on page 201 as well.

Writing Task

You recently saw this notice in a film magazine called Silver Screen.

Film Reviews

Have you seen any good films recently? Write a review telling us why you like it and send it to Silver Screen Magazine.

We'll publish the best reviews in next month's issue

As I think you may need extra help, below you have a page with extra information on this topic, download it, print it if you want and use what you think can be helpful for you.

A review

Do the writing task and send it to my mail by this Tuesday at 5 o'clock. But make sure you take it to class too, because I'm going to collect it to take it home so that I can give you feedback more easily.

jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012

CELe 5th level students

Hi my dear students, I reallly hope you are enjoying this day with your beloved mothers. Enjoy them, play with them, make every second count. Congratulations to your mothers!

The only thing I want you to do today is to download the following 2 exercises about modal verbs, do the first one and the second one take it to class to answer it in class, so you just have to do one activity and bring the other to class.

Must, have to and should

Must, may, might and can't

Remember, you just have to do the first one and bring the second one to class.  See you and take care!

CELe students 7th level

Hi there! enjoying this wonderful day with your mothers? I hope so. Give my regards to your mothers and make sure you show them how important they are for you, everyday.

The only thing I want you to do today is to download the following exercise and answer it, bring it to class to give general feedback. It's extra practice on passive voice that sometimes is a bit difficult.


See you and take care!

CELe 1st level student

Hi dear student, I hope you are enjoying this day with your mothers. Congratulations!

The only thing I want you to do is the following: Download the following image and do the exercise, bring it to class to revise it together and check if you have any questions, the exercise is on Frequency adverbs.

Adverbs of Frequency

See you and take care!

domingo, 6 de mayo de 2012


Hi there! dear students, as I have noticed that you had some troubles with the correct use of must and have to, here you have some help on that. Download them, check the information on the first page and do the first 3 activities you will find on the second one. Make sure you bring them to class to give general feedback.

Must and have to


Then, do the review and use of English of the student's book page 34 along with the exercise of key word transformations on page 31 that I had already told you in class.

Finally, do the exercise of key word transformations which you have on the workbook page 27

As you know you have to scan your answers of the exercises of both books or send me your answers in word or in the body of your mail. Send them by this Tuesday at 6:00 o' clock. Remember that if you send them later you will be penalized.

See you and take care!