martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

Group 303

Hello boys and girls! Today we will be working with the grammar structures that we have been revising in class. Cilck on the following link to do an activity on infinitives. Print your score and give it to me by Friday.

Then check the following activity where you have to decide whether to use the infinitive or the ing form. Once again, print your score and hand it in by this Friday. See you and take care. I hope these activities help you to consolidate what we have seen in class. Bye!

Groups 902, 903 and 905

How are you doing? I hope you all are ok. I know that talking about journeys there are many words that can be a bit hard to remember and to use correctly! So I found a very interesting site on internet in which you will find a comprenhensive explanation on when and why to use the words: travel, trip, journey and many others so I hope you find this interesting and helpful. So do not hesitate and click on the following link.

Then click on the following link to do an activity to practice what you have just revised in the previous site. It's important to say that if you have a doubt you can click on each sentence to read the explanation. Print your score and hand it in by Friday. See you!