sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2010

Group 902

Hi there! How have you been? Enjoying these long holidays? Great! Sorry to put the link I want you to check until today, but I was having some problems with intenet, anyway here you have the link where you can listen and repeat as many times as you want the pronunciation of some words related to landscapes. Check the link and we can talk about it on Monday. See you and take care!

martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010

Groups 902,1002, 303 and 703

Hi everybody, just a note to let you know that tomorrow we do have classes, sorry but tomorrow we have to work. The long weekend for us will start until tomorrow afternoon. See you.
By the way, group 1002, you haven't uploaded the links to the websites including information about verb patterns. Hurry up!