viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

DIDEPA students FCE

Hi there! Aren't you excited because we are about to finish? I am! This time I  want you to go to the following links and study the vocabulary about films and types of films you will find there. The first one  it's a very useful site that will help you improve your knowledge on this topic, the page has sound but I couldn't download the controlers needed to listen to it, I hope you can, but If not, don't worry. The second is a slide on types of films with examples.

Film vocabulary

Types of films

To practice this new vocabulary, do the following exercise about films, click on the link below and have fun!  At the beginning, you have to read a dialogue, and then you'll find the exercise. At the end of the activity you also have a pronunciation activity, if you want you can also listen to the words as many times as you want to practice your listening.

exercise on films

This time you don't have to send me anything to my mail, you just have to do the exercises of the student's book I told you in class, I mean exercise 2 of the vocabulary page 46 and the reading on page 48 and 49. Regarding the exercise on films, you just have to print your score and make sure you take it to class, I will mark it at the beginning of the class.

It's important to tell you that the following 2 classes I'll be arriving 20 minutes later, because I have to go to a course and I can't make it earlier, so please wait for me.

Finally, on this occasion, I want you to leave a comment here on the blog about the course, feel free to express what you consider necessary about the course, what you liked the most, what you found the most difficult, what you didn't like and what you would like to practice more in the following part of the course.  This comment has to be published by this Tuesday at 5 o'clock.

See you and take care!

domingo, 10 de junio de 2012

DIDEPA students FCE

How are you doing? Great?, fine?, so so? etc. Sorry for not posting the information earlier, but here you have what you have to do. As I told you in class, you just have to do the mail which appears on page 43 of the student's book, but don't send it to my mail, just take it to class. Then, do the Review and Use of English of page 44 and  in your exam booster, do the exercises of Use on English  Multiple-Choice Cloze of page 33 and to help you practice the phonetic we talked about in class, also do the Pronunciation activity you have on page 37 exercises 2 and 3.

The only activities you have to send me to my mail are the review and the exercises of the exam booster. Send them by this Tuesday at 5:00 pm.