martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

Group 1002

Hi everybody! It's been a long time since we last worked on the blog, so, today I have found a very interesting exercise on conditionals so you can have further practice to what we have done in class.
Click on the following link and do the quizz and print your final score. Give it to me by Friday. Bye!


The second ativity I want you to do is to learn how to improve your pronunciation. Click on the following link to study some rules about sentence stress and pronunciation

Sentence Stress

In the following link you can have more information and also listen and repeat as many times as you want the activities you will find there. You don't have to give me anything, just practice please.

Finally, the activity I do want you to do is the following. Click on the following link and do the Listening exercise B, "Word Stress and Meaning", you will find the activity at the bottom of the page. Print your score and give it to me by Friday.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello teacher,

    First of all I want to say that each exercise published in this blog has helped me so much to improve some skills, to correct a lot of grammar mistakes and to extend my vocabulary range, in my view this is very useful but I suggest you to recommend us more exercises related to listening in order to improve our abilities to listen ,because in my case it is a little bit difficult,so I expect you to take into account my advice. Finally I want you to know that I liked the way to work with a tool as useful as this based on the Internet so I think that this is a great idea, thank you so much.

    Yours faithfully

    Gustavo Jimenez Castillo

  2. Hi teacher!!!!!
    I want to tell you that the activities in your blog are really useful, each one was very interesting, And I learned from all of them.
    Even though the activities were not many I want to congratulate you for giving us extra homework on the internet.
    Finally I want to express my opinion about your class, I think that taking a class with you made me more responsible, and I could improve many skills.
    Thank You
    Estefania GP

  3. Hello teacher =)

    Well, to start with, I would like to say that these exercises have been the perfect complement to the knowdledge acquired in class. I have taken them as a personal challenge to my English level and I'm really pleased with the results, although I know there is much more work to do because I want to get certified.

    I would also like to congratulate you for being the first English teacher that has worried about creating a space where we can find extra exercises by the hand of technology as your blog does.

    Thank you for your time and patience.

    See you on Monday :D

    Dania Urquieta Romero
