lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011


Hi my dear students, I hope you are just fine and more than ready to start your vacations. As you know, we are about to finish this second part of the course. And to be better prepared for our final exam I just want you to do this last homework. First, remember you have to do the writing task on page 73 that we said in class, as well as the review and use of English on page 74. Send them both by this Wednesday before 2:00 pm. Remember, you have to scan the review and use of English.

Secondly, check the vocabulary about crime and social responsability on page 75, look at the crimes in the photos and say which punishment from the ones which appear right there, you think was given for each of them, write your opinion here on the blog before Wednesday 2:00 pm.

Finally, do the reading exercise on page 76 and 77 multiple matching exercise 3, scan it and send it to my mail on the same date.

Keep on working don't give up and thank you for your effort
Take care  and see you in class. 

sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2011

Dear 9th level students

Hello my dear students. I hope you are enjoying your weekend. As I told you last Friday in class, I found a very interesting page on pronunciation. What I want you to do is:  visit the page and then record your voice repeating the same 6 sentences you will find there , the first time do it with proper enunciation and the second time with linked enunciation. I hope that by doing this you can improve your pronunciation. Bring you recording to class by this Tuesday or send it to my mail before classes on Tuesday so we can check it in class.

See you and take care!

Pronunciation: linking

lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011


Hi my dear students. How are you doing? Are you ready to start your next vacations? I hope you are. The first thing you have to do is this: match the following phrasal verbs to their meanings, if you don´t know the meaning, look them up in your dictionaries, when you finish, make a meaningful sentence with each phrasal verb, then, send these two tasks to my mail by this Wednesday before 2: pm.

Phrasal verbs

1.  back up        ______     illegally access.
2. plug into        ______     enter
3. set up            ______     insert
4. log in             ______    put the arrow here and press
5. hack into       ______    make a copy of
6. click on         ______     create

The second thing I need you to do, is to revise the link I gave you previously about verbs + ing and verbs + to which I published on  October 24th  and do the exercise 1 on page 68, Grammar: verbs followed by the gerund or the infinitive and the exercise 1 on page 70 about Key  word: to  in your student book. Remember that you have to scan these two activities and send them to my mail by this Wednesday before 2:00 o' clock too.

Finally, you also have to send me  the writing activity that you did in class. I know that some of you have already sent it to me, but for the rest, please send me all your activities together in the same mail By this Wednesday before 2:00 o'clock 

Thank you so much and take care.

viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2011

7th level srudents

Hi my dear students, as we have no classes this Monday, we need to revise and practice some things. Go the the following linkss and do the exercises, print your score and hand them in this Tuesday in class.


Conditionals and future time clauses

likely and probably

Phrasal verbs

I hope you find all these activities useful. See you and take care. Enjoy your long weekend.

2nd level students

Hi there! I hope you enjoy this long  weekend. To keep on practicing you need to do the folowing: Go to the following link, do the activity print your score and give it to me by this Tuesday in class.

like and would like to

See you and take care!

9th level students

Dear students, how are you? I hope just fine. I know that I had told you to check a very useful page on writing. I mean, ways to improve your writing, but I hadn't given you the link, so now here you have it. What I want you to do is the following: go to the link and qhen you finish doing so, write a comment here on the blog saying waht is the typical mistake or mistakes that you more commonly do. Your comment must be here by this Monday before 4:00 o´clock pm.

Top ten tips writing

Then check the following lonk so that you can check the difference between some words seen in class. When you finish, write 3 meaninful sentences using these words and hand them in by Tuesday in class.

Trip, journey and travel

See you and take care!

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011

Didepa students

Hi there! How are you? I hope just fine. As you know, the following class we will be working with writing, so I found a vey useful slide on this topic and it's about improving our writing, it's called Top ten tips writing. The only thing I want you to do is to revise it and really check it out, later write on the blog what is the mistake that you more commonly made while writing. Your comment must be by this Wednesday before 5:00 o clock so in class we can talk about it.

top ten tips writing

See you and take care!

lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011


Hi dear students! as you know this week we are not meeting so we have to do some activities to catch up with all the work we have to do.

To begin with, if you remember we didn't do the review and use of English of page 64, so this is the first thing you have to do. Scan it and send it to my mail by next Monday 31st.

This week we have to start with the unit number 7 so I want you to write here on the blog 3 inventions that you think were the best for the world and 3 that were the worst.Explain why. Your participation must be on the blog by this Wednesday before 4:00 pm

Then, look up in the dictionary the meanings of the following phrasal verbs: come across, come up with, pick up, give up and try out, just in case you don't know them, if you know them all, just go to page 66 and 67 and do the reading activity you'll find right there, exercises 1,2 and 3 of page 66 and in the section of vocabulary page 67 exercises 1, 2 and 3. Scan these activities and send them to my mail by next Monday 31st along with the review.

Finally, just as an introduction for the following class, go to the following link and study the rules you'll find there on gerund and infinitives, but you don't have to do anything, just revise for our next class.

Gerunds and infinitives

It's important for you to read carefully the information you have here, so that you can do what you are supposed to.

Thank you so much for your participation. See you in two weeks time. Enjoy your mini vacations.

martes, 18 de octubre de 2011

2nd level students

Hello my dear students! I hope you are just fine. Congratulations! because you all improved a lot, but some of you have to study harder to improve your exam results. Here you have the activity I want you to do by this Friday: This exercise is just to remember the vocabulary we checked in file 6, it's about the practical English section, do the activity, print your score, and give it to me by Friday in class.

asking for directions

The second activity is about pronunciation, I want you to have extra practice on this aspect because it's very important so that you can improve your listening skill as well.

Audio words: go, have and get

When  you finish this activity, print it and give it to me by Friday too.

See you and take care.

9th level students

Hi their students! How are you! I hope you are not too disappointed because of your exam results. Remember that you all can still get much better ones. Never give up is the key to success.
To begin with, click on the following link where you'll find a comprenhensive list of the words that we saw in unit 3, if you want, you can print it so that you have this useful list with you, then click on the other link to do an activity to practice the words and phrases that we have just revise in this unit. When you finished, print it and give it to me by Friday in class. See you and take care.

On Friday I will be giving you the correct answers for this activity. Thank you and see you later

7th level students

Hi there! I hope you are just fine despite the exam results of some of you, but neve give up, I'm sure this is a wonderful opportunity for you to improve and get better results next time, as well as having the desire to better yourselves. So, as you noticed, we didn't have enought time to check the phrasal verbs of the second file, so what I want you to do is the following: Revise the phrasal verbs which appear in the book, check their meaning and then go to the following link and do the exercise. Print your score and hand it in by Friday in class. See you and take care.

Phrasal verbs file 2

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011

7th level students

How are you doing? I hope just fine! Did you do well in your exams? I hope you did. Anyway, as I have noticed that your listening skill need to be improved, I have chosen an interesting listening exercise for you to practice, since we checked something in the book about mystery murders, I think you will enjoy this listening. Click on the link you'll find below, go to Pre-intermediate, click on "Routine", read the instructions, listen to the  dictation activity, write what you can understand by hand and hand it in by this Wednesday in class. See you and take care!

Dictation practice Routine

9th level students

Hi there! How are you? I hope just fine. As I have noticed that your listening skill needs practice, I want you to do the following dictation practice so that you are exposed to different kinds of accents and in this way you can improve your listening and comprenhension. Click on the following link, go to "Intermediate Cambridge FCE" choose "The Emperor's clothes", listen to this and write what you can hear by hand. Hand this activity in by Wednesday in class. I hope you find this activity useful and interesting. See you and take care!

Dictation practice The Emperor's New clothes

2nd level students

Hi! beautiful students! How were your exams? I hope just great. As I noticed that your listening skill is not as good you want, I choose the following activity to practice a little bit more. You will have a dictation practice about personal details, just as we did in class. Click on "introductions" to listen to the person and write the information you hear by hand, you will also be practicing punctuation marks. Bring your activity by this Wednesday. See you and take care!

Listening to introductions

miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2011


Hi there I'm just giving you the link to the information on reports. See you and take care!

Writing reports

Remember to send me your report by Monday before 8:00 pm Thanks a lot and good luck

lunes, 3 de octubre de 2011


Hi there, I hope you have had a wonderful weekend. As you know, in the following class we will be working with two important skills: reading and writing. Let me tell you that I found a very interesting website where you can learn and practice some idioms which are common in informal written and spoken English, but tend to be avoided in academic writing. You'll find this activity very useful since as non-native speakers, writing is not really our thing. The activity you will have to do is like an introduction to the activities we will be doing later in class.

Idioms and academic writing

Then you'll be doing an exercise on different types of reports, if you don't know the answers, that means that you will have to do some research, but don't worry, as I will take into consideration the fact that you have tried to do it, not that you have done it correctly.

Types of reports

As you know, you have to send me your score of both activities by Wednesday until 2:00 pm.

See you and take care

domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011

Students of 9th level

Hello my dear students, welcome to this new experience of languange learning. As we have studied extreme adjectives, below you'll find a link to a web site that has information on this topic, revise it and then do the quiz which appears at the bottom, print your score and hand it in by Tuesday in class.

Gradable and extreme adjectives

If you can't find the quiz in the page click the link below

Quiz on gradable adjectives

In this page you'll find information on the structure and use of different past tenses in English, check in case you still have some doubts about it.

Past tense information

Then to have more practice on past tense do the following activity, print your score and give it to me also by Tuesday in class.

Past tenses exercise

See you all in class I hope these extra activities are helpful for you. Take care.

lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011

7th level students

Hi How are you doing? I hope just fine. Welcome to this new adventure of sharing and creating knowledge through this powerful learning tool. Let's start. I know that the last two topics that we have been checking in class, have been rather difficult, so, let's check the first link where you will find some information on adjective order.

Adjective order information  The only thing you have to do here, is to study the information to solve any doubt you  may still have

Adjective order exercise Do the exercise and print your score. To print your score, you can use the key of "print screen or impr pant" of your computer, paste it on paint or word and then print it.

Adjectives as nouns. Information The only thing you have to do here, is to study the information to solve any doubt you may still have

Adjectives as nouns exercise  Do the exercise and print your score. To print your score, you can use the key of "print screen or impr pant" of your computer, paste it on paint or word and then print it.

Finally, have some fun playing the following game, when you finish, print your score and hand your exercises in by next Thursday in class.

Stress monsters game

Take care and see you in class.

2nd level students

Hi my dear students. This is the first time you are going to do activities on the blog. I know  you need  to practise different things, so I hope the following activities are useful for you.To begin with, go to the following links to do some activities about different aspects that we have done in class.

1st exercise. Grammar
Present continuous

Do the exercise, copy the screen and print your score

2nd exercise: Pronunciation

Parts of a house

Do the exercise and print it.

3rd. exercise: Vocabulary

Crossword or wordsearch

Choose what you want to do. Then do the activity, print the screen and print your score.

Give me all your activities by Thursday in class. Thank you so much and see you later.


Hi my dear students, once again here we are to have extra practice on future tenses. First of all, check the following link just to revise once more, what you need in order to do the exercises which are below. Remember to send your score of this activity to my mail by Wednesday before 2:00 pm

Future tenses. Grammar reference

Exercise on future tenses.

See you and take care.

martes, 20 de septiembre de 2011


Hi there! How have you been? I'm terribly sorry for not writing before, but the blog was under maintenance and I couldn't access to it, until today. Anyway, as we didn't have enough time this time I'm just going to give you the link to the page we were cheking in the previous class to help you with the vocabulary about transport and travel and some others I found very interesting. Just send the homework I set last class to my mail to save time tomorrow. You have until tomorrow before 2:pm Thanks a lot! and take care.

Here you have the links I found for you to check. I hope you find them useful. Bye!
Transport vocabulary

Transport and travel

Last class link

lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2011



Hi there! How are you doing? I hope just fine. To begin with, you have to visit the following page to have further information on gradable and non-gradable adjectives, it's a very useful and helpful website with many examples for you to check.

Gradable and non-gradable adjectives

Then, do the quiz which appears at the bottom and send your score to my mail by Wednesday 12:00 pm. Remember that the homework you have to do of the story and the exam booster are by Tuesday 2:00 pm, but if you can, send all your homework together tomorrow.

Thank you and take care.

domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011



Hi there! How are you? I'm terribly sorry for not being in touch before as I had told you in class, but I had some problems and I just could write today. Anyway, the first thing  you have to do is the following: First, do exercises 1 and 2 which are on page 50 of your student book about narrative tenses, then  check the grammar reference on page 178 section 12 and do exercises 3, 4, 5 and 6 which are on pages 50 and 51. After doing that, go to page 52 and do activity 1 about writing a short story, afterwards study the "spotlight on writing " about sequencing and do activity 3 on page 53.

If you want extra help on "narrative tenses" you can click on the following link to study a power point presentation on that topic.


Narrative Tenses

You can also check this other page that I hope, will be very useful for you to study.

Narrative tenses pdf

When you finish checking the previous links, do the exercise which appears on the following link and send your answers to my mail by next Tuesday, September 6th before 2:00 pm

Exercise on narrative tenses

On this occasion You will have to send me all the homework to my mail by next Tuesday September 6th before 2:00 pm, Therefore, you have to scan the pages of your book so that I can mark them and taking into account for the grading scale, and by doing so, we can save time in our next class and start revising the activities, not marking them.

See you the next week, I hope you do everything I have asked you to do.

Take care.

lunes, 22 de agosto de 2011


Hello! I hope you have had a wonderful week. This week as you know, we will be working with the topic of a good story" and among other things that  you need to learn, you have to increase your vocabulary about "verbs of manner", yes I said verbs of manner not adverbs of manner. These verbs help us to make a more lively story. And as we are going to see a lot of things about it, we have to increase our vocabulary on ways of looking, drinking, breathing, walking, laughing. So the first thing is "ways of looking" Go to the following click, study the verbs you will find there, and with the last 7, the ones that are "verbos más descriptivos" write 7 different sentences, try to write meaningful ones, or  mini-conversations with them and give them to me on Wednesday in class. Remember, if you can´t make it on time send it to my email before 12:00 pm.

Ways of looking

Take care and see you in class

lunes, 15 de agosto de 2011


Hi my dear students. How was your weekend? I hope just great! On this occasion I just want you to drop a line about your expectations for this course, what kind of activities you would like to practice the most and what has been the most difficult aspect of learning English for you.

Remember to drop your line on the blog by Wednesday this time you have until 9:00pm because I know that for some of you it might be difficult to write the comment on the blog, so I hope that if you can't make it, ask for help in class to your classmates who know how to do it, but I won't accept your participation by other means of commucnication, so don't send anything to my mail.

Thank you so much, take care and see you on Wednesday.

domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011


Hi there! It's a pleasure for me to welcome you with open arms. To begin with, we need to finish the activities we started doing in unit 4 . This is the key word "look". Do the exercises which appear on page 41 of your book 1 and 2. And the exercise about phrasal verbs that is on the same page.

Then go to the following page to check the meaning of some phrasal verbs with "look"

Lista de Phrasal verbs with "look"

Once you have finish, go to the following link to have further practice on these kind of phrasal verbs.

Phrasal verbs with look

Remember that if you think you can't be on time for class, then you can send me your homework to my mail. For those who have just started the course, my mail is  by Wednesday before 12:00 pm

lunes, 13 de junio de 2011


Hi there! How are you doing? excited because we are about to finish? Yes, I think so. So enjoy this last activity before your exam. As you remember, we were working with phrasal verbs. I came across this interesting video on phrasal verbs, here you'll find some very useful information and examples for you to have a better picture of this interesting topic. Once you have finished cheking the video and the information you have below, write 10 sentences using the phrasal verbs which are most difficult for you. You can use the same phrasal verb with different meaning, according to what you will find out in the video.

Hand in the sentences this Wednesday or send them to my mail, as you know, before 12:00 pm

Video on phrasal verbs

lunes, 6 de junio de 2011


Hi there, how have you been? I hope just fine. As I have noticed you have some troubles with phonetics, so here I chose some useful links for you to practice and try to learn as much as you can.

The first link is for you to practice some important vowel sounds by watching some videos, and then, do some exercises. The videos you have to watch are the ones to learn to do the following sounds:      

Vowel sounds

Then you have to do the exercises of unit 1 and unit 2. Below you'll find the exercises to do the activities of unit 1

Exercises unit 1

And here you have the link for unit 2

Exedrcises unit 2

Once you have finished, print your score and hand it in this Wednesday in class, remember that if you can´t make it on time, you can send it to my mail before 12:00 pm on Wednesday.

Take care!

lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011


Hi there! How are you doing? I hope just fine. This time I want you to check the information you have on how to write a Review of your book and write the review you have on page 33 on the grey box the one that says Reviews needed!. Remember that you can check the writing guide we have on page 201 to see the kind of expressions you can use. Write your review by hand and give to me in class this Wednesday.

If you can't arrive on time, remember that you can send me your review to my mail. In this case you can do it using word,

Below you'll find a link with useful information on how to write a review, you can check it if you consider it necessary

Tips to write a review

See you and take care

lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011


Hi there! I hope you are just fine. We are about to finish the first part of this term, so here we go!

As we are working with modals that express obligation and necessity, let's do the first activity, it's a quizz just print your score and hand it in this Wednesday in class, remember you can also send it to my mail before 12:00 pm Wednesday (this is midday, ok?)

Must and have to

Obligation, prohibition and ability
Must, mustn't and can

Necessity and lack of necessity
Need. needn't and should

Rmember to do all the activities and print your score. Hand them in this Wednesday.

Bye, take care

lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011

Group 502

Hi there! I finally could access. So to begin with, let's practice something about grammar. Do all the activities and hand them in next Wednesday.

must have to and should (obligation)

must, may, might, can't (deduction)

Practical English

See you and take care

miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011

8th level students

Hi there! How have you been? Did you enjoy your long weekend? I hope so As you know we have been working so hard with File 6 and there are some things that I'd like you to practice. To begin with let's do something on articles


Do the activity and print your score.

Then do the following exercise on countable and uncountable nouns

Countable and uncountable nouns

Now to have extra  practice on vocabulary do the following activity about idioms and collocation

Idioms and collocation

Finally I want to do this activity about phrasal verbs, but apart from doing this activity, I want you to write 2 extra sentences with the phrasal  verbs you think were the most difficult for you to learn and upload them here on the blog as a "comentario" by this Monday.

Phrasal verbs in context

All the activities have to be handed in by Monday, ok? So good luck and take care. Remember just to print the score. Bye.

martes, 10 de mayo de 2011


Hi there I hope you enjoy this Mother's Day with your mothers and families. Please give my regards to your mothers, and for those who have the privilege of being one, Congratulations!
Today I just want you to have extra practice on sports and games vocabulary, so go to the following link to check and study the words, definitions and sentence examples and then, click on the second link to do a quiz on that. Print your quiz and give it to me in class this Wednesday, but remember that if you can't make it on time send it to my mail on Wedenesday before 12:00 pm so that I can check it.
First link:
Second link:
Bye and take care!

lunes, 4 de abril de 2011


Hi there! I hope you all have had a beautiful weekend! today I just want you to have fun doing the following activity: a memory game on sports. I suggest doing the activity on level 5 or 6, you can choose the level but I think any of them will be ok. Print your score as you know, and bring it to class, this time I'll just take into consideration the activities done on time I mean, you have to take your score to class and I'll be checking your activities from 5:05 to 5:15 ok? Remember, if you have any problem to arrive on time, send your activity before the class to my e-mail. Take care! See you on Wednesday. The link is the following: Sports: find the pairs 2

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011


Hi there! I hope you all have enjoyed this long weekend. As you know, the following class we will be working with writting, so I would like you to check the following information about it The information is at the bottom of the page, it's like a power point presentation. This time I just want you to see it and drop a comment here on the blog, it can be about the information you check or about what you think of this way of working, I mean, using this tool to learn and improve your English. Your participation must be by Wednesday. See you and take care!

The title of the presentation is Understanding Writing: The rhetorical Situation. The link is:


lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011


Hi there! What are you up to? I hope you are just fine. Today I would like you to do an exercise here about phrasal verbs related to the main topic of this new unit: work and jobs. Just write down your anwers on a separate sheet of paper and bring it to class this Wednesday, if you want, you can copy the whole exercise but it's not necessary. This time I would also like you to drop a line here to let me know what's your opinion of the blog and any thing you want to share with us.

See you in class! Take care!

Phrasal Verbs

Complete the sentences by making phrasal verbs using the particles below. More than one may be possible.

back for out with in on down off

1. If you would like to apply for the job, simply fill _______ the online application form.
2. Petra deals ________ some of our most important clients and handles their accounts.
3. He is looking_________ staff. He always takes ________ extra staff during the holiday season.
4. I sent _______ my CV and a letter of application but they never wrote _______.
5. Terrible news... the factory is laying ______ three hundred people; the jobs are going overseas.
6. They offered me the job but I turned it ______ when I found _____ the salary was too low.

Good luck to you all.

martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

Students of 8th. level

Hi there How are you doing? I hope just fine. As we are about to finish the file nunber 5 I want you to do some activities to practice and consolidate what we have checked in class.

To begin with, as you have noticed, this book has a section called "mini grammar" but unfortunately, we don't have enough time to practice these exercises, so do the following activity on this topic. The link is the following:


Remember to print your score, and give it to me by Friday.

Colloquial English

The second activity is the following: It's very important for students of your level to get familiar with idioms, phrases and collocations used in everyday situations, so do this activity about colloquial English with the topic of Music Festivals.

Finally, phrasal verbs are extremelly important for anyone who wants to be fluent in English, so this activity is to help you practice them in context.

Phrasal Verbs

Remember, the deadline for all the activities is this Friday. Good luck and take care.

Group 502

Hello dear students. As we are about to finish this first file I want you to practice the last aspect of grammar, the use of will, shall, present continuous and going to. So please click on the following link and print your score. Give it to me by Friday.

Future forms.

This is the link:

Practical English.

To have extra practice on vocabulary related to everyday situations, do the following activity and once again remember to print your score and hand it in on Friday.

Finally, as I know the topic about reflexive pronouns or each other was a bit difficult for you, I'd like you to do this exercise to revise what we saw in class. This is also by Friday.
Reflexive pronouns

See you and good luck. This time I also want you to drop a line on the blog to share whatever you want about this new way of working.

Take care!

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011


Hi there! How have you been all these days we haven't been in touch? I hope just fine. Sorry for not uploading activites before, but I had some problems with internet. Anyway, as we have been working with word formation I think it's important for you to remember the most common prefixes and suffixes and then practice with some activities. So, to begin with, click on the following link where you can find useful information about this topic.


If you want, you can print these pages to have the information with you. When you have finished go to the following link to do some excersices, remember to hand them out next Wednesday in class.


The link is this:

Do the worksheet 1 and the worksheet 2. Remember do not check the answers until you have finished, these worksheets have an answer sheet for you to check, so we don´t need to check the answers in class, unless you have a special question or doubt. This activity is to consolidate what we have seen in class.


Then, the second activity is on phrasal verbs about work, because the following unit of the book is about this topic. So click on the following link, you'll find some phrasal verbs with their definitions and examples, once you have learned them, go to the end of the page and only do exercises 1 and 2, you don't have to do the excersice 3. When you finished, print your score and give it to me in class. Remember, this is a pre-activity to help you familiarize with the new vocabulary and it's important for you to do it. See you and have a nice weekend.

The link is:

Good luck!

martes, 22 de febrero de 2011

Students of 8th. level

Hi boys and girls! It's a pleasure for me to welcome you with open arms to this new experience. A blog is a useful learning tool, we can share, create and improve our knowledge. I will post some links or upload some videos or design some exercises for you to practice.

To begin with, click on the following link to practice some grammar related to the file 5a

Grammar: Geerunds and infinitives

Once you have finished doing this activity, print your score and give it to me by Friday.

Now, regarding vocabulary, click on the following link and play the game, it's up to you to do the crossword or the wordsearch. Have fun.

Vocabulary: Music

Once again, you have to print it and give it to me by Friday.

Bye, take care

domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011

Group 502

Hello everybody! It's a pleasure for me to to welcome you to this new experience where we both can teach and learn a lot of interesting and useful things. To practice what we have check in class, click on the following link:


this activity is for you to practice action and non-action verbs

Print your score and give it to me by Wednesday


Have fun doing any of the two activities you are given: the crossword or the wordsearch. Once you have finished, print you score and give it to me by Wednesday

See you and have a wonderful week!


Hello everybody! it's a pleasure for me to start working with you all using this wonderful learning tool! I know that for some of you it's going to be a piece of cake, whereas for some others, it will be a bit of a challenge, won't it? Anyway, let me tell you that I know that you have been used to doing things in a certain way and it might be difficult to get accustumed to working differently, but I would like you to give me the opportunity to show you another way to learn, work, teach and why not? even to have fun! So relax.

To begin with, I'd like you to go to the following link and do the next activities:


2. Collocations

3. Phrasal verbs

4. Phrases/ Expressions

5. Linking words

It's up to you to do the on-line version or the print one, but if you do the print version I want you to print just the score, I mean, once you have finished doing each activity save your screen with the key "Impr Pant" or "Print Screen" of your keyboard and save it on paint brush or word. Give it to me this Wednesday in class.

Remember that it's very important to do all the activities because they are part of your final grade.

I hope you all do these useful activities so that we can do a practice test in class or for homework.

See you and have a wonderful week!