miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

Groups 902, 903 and 905

Hi there! how have you been? What are you up to? I hope everything is ok. Today you have an activity on reported speech. Check the following sentences and rewrite them with reported speech, choose the more appropriate of the reporting verbs given. Hand them in by next Monday. See you and take care.

1. 'I have always been good at Maths' Robert said insist boast
2. 'I don't want to pay that much for gas' Nidia said object grumble
3. 'You must see a doctor immediately' Belem told me confess insist
4. 'I'll help you with your homework next Saturday' My father told me beg promise
5. 'Don't play with matches or you may get burned' Susan told her children warn predict
6. 'Ok, Ok I broke the window' Jimmy told his mother agree confess

7 comentarios:

  1. hi teacher thank you for this excersices about reported speech to be honest Ireally need to practice a lot.


  2. OK teacher!

    I wlll try to do this exercise (reported speech it not my forte jeje).

    Well I'll do my best. Thank's a lot for the exercise.


  3. Hi Arelis:
    Thank you for the exercises, have a nice
    weekend and an excellent mother's day.

  4. Hi teacher,
    congratulatios for the mothers day!!!
    This exercises are good thanks! but what about rewriting reported speech, personaly this is my headache!
    Have a great long weekend.

  5. Hi teacher, good night!! Thank you for the exercises, to be honest I need more and more and more exercises jaja...
    Congratulations, and Have a nice and beautiful mothers day... See you...

    Ana Karen

  6. Hi teacher!!

    This exercise is very useful for my, because I can practice the reported speech. Thank you!!

    Congratulations on your mohers day!!!!


  7. Hi teacher,
    thnX for d exercises, it s a good help to improve
    my knOwledge in reported speech `cos is a bit difficult
    See ya!
