lunes, 15 de agosto de 2011


Hi my dear students. How was your weekend? I hope just great! On this occasion I just want you to drop a line about your expectations for this course, what kind of activities you would like to practice the most and what has been the most difficult aspect of learning English for you.

Remember to drop your line on the blog by Wednesday this time you have until 9:00pm because I know that for some of you it might be difficult to write the comment on the blog, so I hope that if you can't make it, ask for help in class to your classmates who know how to do it, but I won't accept your participation by other means of commucnication, so don't send anything to my mail.

Thank you so much, take care and see you on Wednesday.

6 comentarios:

  1. Hi
    For this course my expectations are improve my English level because I know I´m weak in some areas like speaking and listening. In my case, those have been the most difficult aspects of learning English, specially speaking. Actually, as I told in our first class, I don’t feel comfortable when I have to speak (Spanish) in public, and it´s the same in English. I think that´s one of the reasons I don´t like the activities related to speaking, but I know how important are, so I´d like to have more; it´ll be a challenge to me. About listening, is a similar situation; it´ll be stimulating if the teacher increases the activities about it.
    In contrast, I love writing and grammar, even sometimes I have many mistakes; that´s why I prefer this kind of activities. I love languages and I want to learn more.

  2. Hi!!!

    In my case, I would prefer to practice more listening and writing. Those papers are really dificult for me. I enjoy activities of grammar and speaking, but, definitely I get nervous when is time to practice writing, I lose control of the rules, and the ideas.. It´s a damage, About listening, is too similar, I make many mistakes, and I like to improve it more each time.

    That´s my personal opinion, and I just hope to improve my level.

  3. Listening has always been the hardest aspect of learning English, so I expect this course helps me improve that skill. I know that daily practice and hardwork are the key to success, but I would like the teacher to give us some tips on how to get higher marks on exams.Obviously, I would like to do a lot of listening exercises in class. I would also like to watch videos, documentaries, and to listen to songs in English as well in order for us to get used to different kinds of speech by native speakers.
    On the other hand, learning a language involves learning thousands of words,and if you don't have a great number of words it is harder to produce and understand either written or spoken language. This is the reason why I would also like to acquire more vocabulary. Otherwise, I won't be able to improve the other skills.
    Well, that is all I want to share with you, and I just hope for the best.

  4. Hi Teacher!

    First of all. My expectations for this course are: To have an excellent level in English, not only for this course, but also for all things in which I use the lenguaje.

    On the other hand. Something that I would like to keep practicing in class is the oral excersices. I think that this is a very good way to improve the knowledge
    that we have acquired.

    Refering to what is difficult for me, I think is reading. I belived I have to keep practicing it more.


  5. Hello teacher,

    This time I want to share with the blog that my bigges expectation since I started to study English is to understand the lyrics and the films without subtitles. Here is when I have to tell you that my weaknees is the listening and most of the time the speaking (I´m very nervous).

    I hope this course let me improve this skills with the different techniques used in class. I know that the more I practice at home the more I learn in class.

    See you soon.

  6. My weekeend, was so nice, i passed it with my husband and my parents.

    Expectations for this course:

    First of all I wan to get a better grade, my poupose is 8, this will be my indicator to take FCE. Of course I want to learn a lot especially to develop a little more my spoken and writting English.

    I have enyojed a lot the last module so I'd like to continue what the same kind of activities.

    I would like to practice more strategies to solve the exams. I have heard that there are a

    The most difficult aspect of learning English for me is Listening, it is very difficult in spite I think I have some ear ploblems. So I will try to read a book or may be two of them to improve it.
