domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011

Students of 9th level

Hello my dear students, welcome to this new experience of languange learning. As we have studied extreme adjectives, below you'll find a link to a web site that has information on this topic, revise it and then do the quiz which appears at the bottom, print your score and hand it in by Tuesday in class.

Gradable and extreme adjectives

If you can't find the quiz in the page click the link below

Quiz on gradable adjectives

In this page you'll find information on the structure and use of different past tenses in English, check in case you still have some doubts about it.

Past tense information

Then to have more practice on past tense do the following activity, print your score and give it to me also by Tuesday in class.

Past tenses exercise

See you all in class I hope these extra activities are helpful for you. Take care.

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