lunes, 16 de enero de 2012


Hi dear students, it's a pleasure for me to welcome you with open arms to this new experience. We will be working together, and please feel free to ask anything you think it's necessary to help you learn. I know that it will take you a little bit to get used to working in this way, but never give up, you can do it!

To begin with, first, answer the exercises that I gave you last class and  scan and send them to my mail by this Wednesday before 2:00 o' clock pm. Remember the pages are 5, 9, 13 and 17.

Then, answer the exercises 1 and 3 on page 12 of the student book and the exercises 4, 5, 6 and 7 on page 13. Once again, scan them and send them to my mail by this Thursday before 2:00 pm

Finally, go to the following link to have extra practice on word formation, go to  number 1 "parts of speech" and click on the "online version" you will find 3 different exercises, do them and after finishing doing each of them copy your score, I hope you know how to do this! If you don't know how to do this, here you have a tip: just use the key "Impr Pant" of your computer and then paste it into paint or word and send these images to my mail. Send them by Friday before 2:00 pm

CAE use of English word formation

It's important to send your mails with the attached file clearly identified, your name and the name of the assignment so that we don't get confused.

If you want to send them all at the same time, it's ok, as long as you don't fall behind and meet the deadline of each of them. So see you and take care!

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