sábado, 2 de junio de 2012

DIDEPA students FCE

Hi my dear students, we are half way through the course, and I hope you are still willing to keep on working as if it were the first day.

As I told you in class, you have to finish the chart about word formation and the exercises 1 and 2 of page 41 of your student's book. In addition to this, you also have to do the exercise about phrasal verbs with "look"on the same page.

Then in your workbook do the reading activity on page 30 and 31, the grammar activity about phrasal verbs (exercise 1) on page 33 and the exercise of Use of English about word formation on page 36.

Talking about pronunciation,  click on the following link to watch an introductory video about the sounds of English, watch it very carefully and pay attention to what it's said. Then if you have time to revise each of the vowel sounds, go to the other link that I have posted and click on the sound that you want to practice.

Then, to have extra practice on the correct pronunciation of vowels and consonant sounds, go to the following link and check the phonetic symbols carefully and try to imitate the sounds. Go to the vowels and then to the consonant sounds to listen and repeat as many times as you want, and when you think you are ready, do the activity about "pronunciation 50 50"
This activity is to help you improve your pronunciation and listening skills

You have to send me the homework of your books to my mail by this Tuesday at 5:00 pm. Send them on time please. The activities about phonetics are additional.

See you and take care!

1 comentario:

  1. Dear Martha, I haven't found any extra excercises in the blog yet, and I am having some connectivity problems, so I won't be able to reach you before 17h tomorrow. If so, I'm asking you to let me send it by this time tomorrow. Laura Gomez.
