sábado, 23 de junio de 2012

DIDEPA students FCE

Hi everybody, we have finally finished the 2nd course, but remember we have to keep on working because the following one, starts as soon as this one finishes, so let's continue.

We started working with verbs of manner which have a lot to do with adverbs of manner. So click on the following link and revise the definition of the 14 verbs you'll find there. The website has sound so you can listen to the word and definitions as many times as you want. The task you have to send to my mail is a conversation in which you use at least 7 verbs of manner. Remember you also have to do the vocabulary exercise 2 of the student's book page 50 and in the workbook do the reading activity on pages 38 and 39.

Send the conversation to my mail by this Tuesday at 6:00 o'clock. But please, also print it because I'm going to take them to revise them at home so I can give you feedback.

See you and take care!

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