sábado, 14 de julio de 2012


Hi what's up? Welcome back! It's a pleasure to see you all again! On this occasion I want to clarify the way we will be working from now on. You are used to sending everything to my mail, but as I told you, I have had some problems with my mail, so all the activities from the exam booster and the student's book are not longer going to be sent to my mail,  until further notice, but I hope you do everything you have to, because I will be providing feedback to everything you do. When I ask you to do something different from the books, you will have to take it to class for me to collect  and write it down. And as I had already told you, you need to arrive on time if you want me to take your homework into account without any penalization, (within the first 15 min.) after this time, I can still receive your homework but it will have a penalization (depending on how late you arrive)

Obviously, if you don't think you will make it on time, you can send your homework to my mail so that I can take it into account without any penalization.But you will have to send it on Tuesday before 5:00 o'clock

For the following class, you have to do the exercises 1 and 2 of your exam booster page 43 and also do the exercise on page 41 about narrative tenses, exercises 1 and 2.

The second thing you have to do is to go to the following link, check the information you'll find there on gradable and non-gradable adjectives, once you have checked the information, go until the bottom of the page and click on "gradable and non-gradable quiz" and do it. Print your score and take it to class.
See you and take care!

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