martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012

Group 704

Hi there! How are you, I hope just fine. As you have told me, pronunciation and listening are two of your major issues regarding English learning, so I found a very useful website that has "podcasts" a podcast is a recording, is an audio for many different purposes, on this occasion I chose one site that has excellent practice on two important aspects: linking words and the pronuciation of the sound "schwa". Listen to the the three podcasts, the first is about linking pairs of words, and the other two are about the pronuciation of  the  "schwa" sound, schwa words and schwa sentences. Listen to them as many times as you need and then record using your own voice, two or three pairs of words which appear only on the first podcast , it's up to you which pairs of words to record. You can record  your voice with your cell phone or with any other electronic appliance, but you have to take this recording to class this Friday.
See you and take care!

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