jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013

Group 703

Hi dear students. welcome to this new adventure of learning English using blogs. As you will discover, I'll ask you to do different things in order to help you practice or consolidate any thing related to learning English. As you can see, the name of my blog is "Sharing and Creating knowledge", because we all can learn from each other, and we can also share this knowledge.
I hope you find blogs powerful learning tools, and make the most out of them.
Let's start!
The first activity you have to do is a video. The video is about the speaking activity we saw in class called "reacting and asking for more information" page 7. What you have to do is the following:
  • work in pairs but if  you can't find a partner, work in trios.
  • ask and answer a couple of questions about some of the topics we discussed in class or any other you find interesting, shocking, amazing or embarrasing.
  • The purpose of this activity is that you both react properly when your ask for any kind of information. Remember to use the right expressions, rhythm, intonation,  and sentence stress to convey meaning. For example, if you are shocked by something your classmate has just told you, make sure you use expressions such as: Oh my gosh! Are you kidding me? or You must be kidding me, right? or you must be joking, that can´t be true. Another example: if you have just heard something sad or depressing, you should say something like: Oh! I know what you mean, I've been there. Poor you! you must be feeling terribly. And so on.
  • Be careful with your body language, because it also says a lot about what you mean.
  • You can make your video using your mobile, a camera, your laptop webcam or any other electronic appliance you want or you have at hand (tablets, maybe) Do not use high definition format, because it takes a lot of space. Your video must last between 1 or 2 min length as much.
  • You must send your video to my email or put it in dropbox if we already have a shared folder by this Monday.
  • Finally, remember to use the vocabulary range according to the level you are in.
 By the way, if you want extra help on sentences stress, click on the link below, read and listen to the information you'll find there. You will be able to listen to 5 recordings and practice pronouncing them as many times as you want, and I hope that eventually, you improve your sentence stress and this helps you with your listening skill.

BBC sentence stress. Recordings

See you and take care!


1 comentario:

  1. Hey guys, someone could help me with the mail or the dropbox account of the teacher?
