viernes, 22 de marzo de 2013

Group 703

How are you doing? Are you looking forward to your holidays? Well, thanks God today is our last day of classes, but I need you to do some activities to have further practice on some things. First, go to the following links, do the activities and take your scores to class next Tuesday 2nd April.

The first activity is to practice vocabulary about clothes. It's up to you what activity to do, the crossword or the wordsearch.

Clothes and fashion

The following activity is to remember some expressions used in the previous file, the topic is the future.

What does the future hold?

To have a bit of fun, play the following game about adjetive order.

Adjective order

Finally, do the following grammar exercise is about so and such.

so/ such that

I hope you can enjoy your holidays, and have a great time. Thanks for your attention and see you soon. Take care!

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