lunes, 17 de junio de 2013

Group 703

Hi dear students! Are you ready for this week exams? I really hope so and I wish you the best of luck. sorry for not writing earlier, but I couldn't. Here you have the general guidelines to do your video and as I am writing until now, You will have until this Wednesday to hand in your video, remember that you can put it in dropbox or send it to my mail. anyway, here we go.
1. Make your video using your cell phone, camera, laptop or any other electronic appliance.
2. Avoid using high definition format, because this makes your video heavier and more difficult to handle
3. Your video must last between one or two minutes.
Go to page 67 in the section: Can you say this in English? and choose 2 of the 3 tasks which appear right there. The first one is about the use of conditionals, the second one is about making speculations about someone's past actions or criticize how someone acted in the past using should have. Finally, the last one is about why body language is important and explain what certain gestures indicate.
1. I failed my exam. If I had studied harder, I wouldn't have failed my exam and if I hadn't failed my exam I wouldn't have been told off by my teacher. If I hadn't been told off by my teacher I wouldn't be feeling so down in the dumps now.
2. A: Did you see John at Teresa's party yesterday? B: John? It can't have been John, because he was sick at home, I saw him. A: Oh, really? I thought it was him, oh no! I shouldn't have said to his girlfriend that it was him, I think I put my foot on it. B: Yes, you are right, now she must be thinking that he was cheating on her and she must be devastated.
3. I think that one of the most important ways to express your feelings is by our body language. That's why it's important to know how to convey meaning and what kind of hand and arm gestures we have or need to use to express our feelings correctly. But why should we know this, because for example, imagine you have a job interview and you need to show that your are a relaxed and self-confident person, but if you start fidgeting with your arms or tapping the table with your fingers, you will show a completely different image of yourself.....
So as you can see, here you have some clear exmples on how to make your video more successfully.
See you and take care.

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